Chapter 6: Obsession

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Next morning, Ran walked towards you as you enter the school gate.

"Are you okay?" Ran asked you as you both walked to your class.

"Still can't believe Mitsuya could do such a thing to his own classmate. I understand that you both are enemies but he's taken it too far, what if you got severely hurt or broke a bone?" You responded and stopped in front of the classroom door.

"Worried huh? You like me don't ya?" Ran asked with a smirk on his face, leaning forward until your faces are an inch closer to each other.

"No. I just don't want any of my classmates getting on a fight or getting hurt, that's all." You replied and stepped back for some space.

"Sure." Ran's smirk didn't disappear even a second while he walks towards his seat.

Ran's pov

I saw her on the gate and decided to walk up to her. Is she still thinking about him? Come on now, Y/n, he already pushed me down the stairs and you're still thinking of him?

"Are you okay?" Trying his best not to get mad, he asked.

Of course he did that, you saw my bruises didn't you? Oh Y/n I'm fighting the urge to kiss you right now. But she sound really worried, is that a sign?

"Worried huh? You like me don't ya?" He asked her really hoping that she'd say yes but her response is different than what he expected but this doesn't change the feeling, he smirks at her and walked towards his seat glaring at Mitsuya before taking a sit.

Just a few more tries, you'll fall for me and only me.

Mitsuya's pov

I've already told him that I like her best friend but why does he want me to stop talking to her? She's just a friend! But I have to do it or else he might hurt Luna and Mana, their safety are more important than friendship.

They're here already, they look good together but I can barely look at her when Ran's around. He glared at me, he's probably planning something I can tell by the smirk he's giving me.

Y/n's pov

Did Ran really think I didn't see him glare at Mitsuya. I hope they don't fight, it'll be a big trouble for both of them.

"Alright, today we're doing a group performance. I'll let you choose your group." The teacher announced and I automatically turned to Mitsuya and started walking towards him. Suddenly, Ran grabbed me by my wrist and pulled me to his group.

"Join us! This'll be fun with you!" Ran said and you just looked at Mitsuya who is already being surrounded by his group.

"Sure. I'd love to but where's F/n she should be here, right?"  You asked curiously because at this kind of time F/n would surely choose Ran to be on her group.

"Over there." He replied pointing to Mitsuya's group.

I got really curious why she decided to be on that group but I didn't think too much because she might be shy to be on the same group as her crush.

"Alright, let's start then? Oh wait we still don't know what to do, let's just listen to what the activity or performance will be." Moving your chair to face towards the teacher.

Suddenly you felt someone touching your hair so you turn around to see Ran braiding your hair.

"Ran, what are you doing?" You let out a small giggle before asking.

"Braiding your hair, obviously. I think you'll look really great with braided hair and we'll even match!" He replied joyfully while he continued to braid your hair.

I'm gonna be honest, he looks cute when he smile. No wonder F/n likes him, I just wonder who he likes though.

"Hey, Ran..." I said looking forward to the teacher. "Do you have a crush?" You continue and felt him freeze right after you finished your question.

"Yeah, I do. I have a crush, she's really beautiful, kind, smart, she's a dream to have but a nightmare if lost." He responded and continued with his work again.

"Ooh~ I bet it's F/n." I teased him and he just laughed, which made me think that he's confirming it.

"I knew it. You like F/n huh?" He doesn't seem to hear you so you turned to him and he responded.

"No... I like someone else and no one and nothing can ever change that feeling for her." His eyes glowing with unrecognizable feeling...

"Oh... You seem obsessed with her haha." You tried to ignore what he said knowing your best friend will be so sad if she finds out.

Time skip, it was dismissal when you decided to look for F/n to ask her why she joined Mitsuya's group and not her crush's. After hours of looking, you found her at the back of the school... With Mitsuya.

"What are they doing here?" You whispered and hid behind the decors far enough to hear what they're talking about.

"You wanted to talk to me?" F/n asked.
"Yes. I just really need to tell you something." Mitsuya responded.
"Sure, what is it?" F/n asked her eyebrows raising.
"I... I like you, F/n." Mitsuya looked away right after saying this and I heard F/n gasp.
"I'm sorry, Mitsuya but... I like Ran." This time I hear Mitsuya gasp.
"But Ran likes-" before he could finish his sentence you stood up from where you were hiding and called F/n.

"Y/n? What are you doing here?" F/n asked and you glanced at Mitsuya before responding.

"I've been looking for you for hours, come on let's go. Let's buy ice cream somewhere." I grabbed her wrist and pulled her away.

I know that our friendship will be in trouble if she finds out that her crush doesn't like her."

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