Chapter 13: Jealousy, jealousy

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The next day, you entered the class and everyone started to shout and cheer and behind every single student stands Ran Haitani, your boyfriend.

"Uhm, what's going on?" You asked, confused.

"I told you, right? I'll prove to you how serious I am for you." He replied.

"Don't tell me you told all of them?" You approached Ran and asked him.

"Not just these students here." He smirked.

"What?!" You exclaimed as soon as you heard what one of the students said.

"He announced it through every single staff and students here in school."

"Sorry, love. Don't want you thinking that I'd be cheating or replacing you anytime soon. From now on I'm officially your boyfriend." Ran said.

Before I could even speak, the teacher entered the room and we all sat down on our seats. It was all a normal day until a sound broke the discussion. A sound coming from the back, a sound of something breaking... We all looked back at what it might be and to our surprise, Mitsuya Takashi, our class president was going berserk, throwing all his things every where. The teachers had to call security to stop him and thankfully no one was hurt. He was sent to the principal's office and was suspended for a few days since no one was hurt.

"What the h€ll just happened back there?" You asked still in shock.

"I have no idea." One of your classmates said.

"If I was him, I'd be so embarrassed to even come back to class. After what he did, as a class president, he knows too well that what he did was not appropriate for his role." Another student said meanwhile you sat on your seat still confused about what had happened.

"I feel so bad for him... I wonder what happened." You thought to yourself.

"Hey, you okay? Are you hurt?" Ran asked after walking from his seat to yours.

"I'm fine, just confused and shocked after what happened. Do you have any idea what happened to him?" You asked and he just shrugged and hugged you.

"We'll know someday but for now let's focus on class, okay?" He said with a smile and went back to his sit as soon as he confirmed my answer.

For the whole day, I couldn't stop thinking about Mitsuya, I couldn't be able to keep up with the class. There were times when the teacher catches me staring to space and would even ask me questions I couldn't answer because I wasn't listening, I couldn't. As soon as the bell rang for dismissal I packed my things and walked out of the room completely forgetting about Ran. Due to too much thinking, I didn't hear Ran calling me while he catches up with me. I got so caught up with my thoughts that I accidentally screamed when Ran tapped my shoulder.

"What's wrong?" He asked and you just looked down.

"Please tell me, love. You're making me worry." He followed.

"It's nothing, love. I'm just really tired, sorry. I need to go home." You said and went home.

Little did you know, Ran was following you while you walk home. You, without any idea that your boyfriend was following you, bumped into someone due to everything you're thinking right now.

"I wonder what you're thinking of." A familiar voice whispered to my ears and I quickly looked up realizing who's voice it was.

"Mitsuya!... Are you alright? What happened to you back there? We're you hu-" you stopped talking when you saw his teary eyes staring at you.

"I'm fine, just... Y/n..." Mitsuya continued to whisper while slowly holding your hand.

"Mitsuya... Is something wrong?" You asked while he continues to cry.

"Y/n... Please... Give me another chance... I haven't stopped thinking about you these days... One chance is all I ask... Y/n..." Mitsuya said between his cries and hiccups.

"Mitsuya... I'm sorry but... I can't..." You replied while he places his head on your shoulder wetting your uniform.

"Just once... I promise I'll do anything..." He tried convincing you but with how much you love Ran, you couldn't bring yourself to.

Ran who was watching, his fists clenched ready to punch Mitsuya but yet he finds himself tearing up with all the pain and jealousy inside his heart... Ran without any idea about what's going on turned his back and walked away, walked home with all the pain, jealousy, and tears held back from being released. As soon as he got home, he locked himself on his room and destroyed everything, Ran let out all of his feelings by destroying the things in his room. He didn't care how much bruises and wounds he gets from all the broken things, his broken heart had no chance of being fixed.

Regrets of the President [Mitsuya and Ran Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now