Chapter 3: Love triangle?...

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Today is Saturday so I went to the park for a little walk. While I was walking, I heard people arguing in the distance and a crowd of people gathering around. It sounds like they're fighting and hurting each other. Out of curiosity, I walked over and squeeze my way through the crowd and when I finally got a clear view of what's happening, my eyes widen.

"Stop! Stop it, you both! You're hurting each other!" You screamed as you try to push them away from each other.

"If he's not stealing what's supposed to be mine then we wouldn't be in this situation!" Ran said, his lips bleeding.

"I stole nothing from you, as*hole!" Mitsuya screamed, his right eye closed because of the black eye.

"Both of you, look at yourselves! If you continued, your situation would've been worse!" You scolded them and pointed at the bench for them to sit.

They sat down and looked at you, you looked at them with anger in your eyes.

"Now, tell me what the hell happened between you two." You ordered them but they only looked at each other and not spoke a word.

"Is no one gonna talk or do I have to ask the people around here?" You crossed your arms, not taking your eyes off of them.

"He's accusing me of stealing, just because you're always around me all the time." Mitsuya said looking at Ran.

"Tsk, I'm telling you, she's mine Mitsuya." Ran said.

"Seriously? Just because of me?... You know what, why don't you both follow me so we can take care of those bruises and black eye." You told them before walking back to your house. It's only a few minutes walk.

Time skip, you three were already at your house so you told them to sit down cause you'll get the first aid kit.

"It's a beautiful house you got here, Y/n. Where are your parents?" Glass shattering was heard from the kitchen as soon as Mitsuya asked the question.

Both of them ran to the kitchen to check what happened, there they see you holding the first aid kit on your left hand and the right hand looks like it was holding a drinking glass. Near your feet, there was broken glasses so Mitsuya told you not to move and they'll pick it up and clean it for you.

"It's fine, I'll take care of it. I'll do it." You told them but they ignored you and picked up the broken glasses.

While they are picking up the broken glasses, Mitsuya noticed a water drop fall to the ground. He looked up at you and saw you crying so he stood up and hugged you comforting you.

"What's wrong, Y/n? What happened? Are you hurt?" He asked, worriedly and guided you to the sofa.

Ran was left in the kitchen cleaning up the broken glasses but as soon as Mitsuya hugged you, his jealousy can be felt all over the room.

"What's wrong, you can tell me. I'm here for you, okay?" Mitsuya asked.

"It's your question... About my parents." You replied still crying on Mitsuya's arms.

"Oh... Are your parents..." Mitsuya went silent for a couple of second before hugging me tightly again apologizing for what he's done.

It was only a minute of Mitsuya hugging you when suddenly, Ran spoke making both of you flinch. You both looked at him, you wiping your tears away.

"Is there something you need, Ran?" Mitsuya asked as they both glare at each other.

Another minute of silence

"Alright, let's fix those bruises and black eyes. Oh I forgot the ice cubes, let me just grab some from the fridge. I'll be right back, and don't fight!" You said before waking to the kitchen.

You came back and both of them are really far from each other, looking away from the other.

"Alright, Mitsuya, hold this for me" you ordered Mitsuya while placing the ice pack on his eyes and walked towards Ran.

While cleaning Ran's wound on his lips, you couldn't help but notice that he has been staring at your lips.

"If you're gonna keep staring at my lips like that, you might just make me uncomfortable." You said before distancing yourself from him and walking back to Mitsuya.

"How does it feel? Does it still hurt?" You asked before removing the ice pack on his eyes.

Mitsuya just nodded before falling asleep on the sofa. You in the meantime walked towards Ran and placed the ice pack on his bruises.

"If you feel tired, just get some sleep." You told him before leaving them there.

You went to the kitchen to cook something to eat.

Time skip, I just finished cooking so I left it there to cool off and I went to my room to take a bath. While taking a bath I didn't realize that both Ran and Mitsuya was already awake. After taking a bath, you went down stairs only to see both of them holding each other on the collar about to fight again. You cleared your throat while standing behind them, they both quickly stood straight and looked towards you as soon as they heard you.

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