Drinks at Aurora

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Dan, after the explosion seem to be a lot different person. He become a bit silence and tense. Looks like he has something big on his shoulder and as typical Dan, he keep it to himself. Not to mention that his mother passed away a month after the explosion. The person he loved most and most important person in his life is taken away from him.
With lots of weigh on his mind, he drive his car to Aurora, trying to ease things with a glass of liquor.
He arrived at Aurora, open the door and sees Phil from far. He waves his hand, "Hey Phil."
Phil sees Dan he also waves his hand, "Dan, over here. I have special chair for you." Dan goes to Phil, and sits on the chair.
"Phil.. get me some vodka. I need to relax a bit."
"Sure Dan, I'll make you something good." Phil started to make the drink, he took the vodka, lime and some orange juice. He mixture it and gives it to Dan. "Here you go Dan."
Dan take the glass and said, "Thank you Phil.. I appreciate it."
Dan drinks it slowly and lit his cigarette. He looks at a picture of Jessy and the others, including Richy at Aurora and then took a zip of his drinks.
Phil noticed that something is wrong with Dan's behavior comes to him and talk, "Hey Big boy. What happen, you seem different."
"Its nothing Phil.. I'm good." Dan asnwers without looking at Phil.
"Dan.. you can fool the others but you can't fool me. Its so unlike you bro."
Dan look at Phil and said, "Don't worry Phil. I'll be good."
"Alright Dan, if you change your mind, you know where to find me."
Dan zip his last drink, put his glass and said, "Yeah I do. Thanks Phil." Dan leaves the Aurora and goes to his car.
He open the door, sit on driver's seat, lit on his cigarette, and then he noticed there's a message from Lilly, "Dan where are you? Can you come over?"
Dan laid down his head into the seat, closes his eyes, and finally called Lilly, "Hey Lilly, its me Dan"
"Hey Dan, where are you?"
"Just about to leave Aurora, what happed Lilly? Are you okay?" Dan sounds worries when it comes to Lilly, he had crush on Lilly for a long time and he had fallen in love with her.
"Dan.. Can you come here.. I.. I really need someone to talk to."
"Alright Lilly, just wait over there, I'll be there soon."
"Thanks Dan, I 'll be waiting for you here."
Dan cuts the call with Lilly.
Dan drive his car into Lilly's apartement, he arrives at Lilly's and he sees Shaun's car parked there. His heart beats so fast. 'Damn it, what the hell is Shaun doing at Lilly's' Dan talk to himself.
He gathered his courage and talk to himself, act normal Dan, act normal.
And then he knock on Lilly's door. Lilly opens the door, and said "Hey Dan.. come in"
"Hey Lilly.. " Dan enters the Lilly's home. Dan sees, Shaun, and Hannah sits at the corner.
"Come in Dan, Shaun and Lilly is here. They seems get along together."
"Yeah I see that too Lilly." Dan sees lilly, kiss her in the forehead. And ask, "are you okay Lilly?"
Lilly silence, she knows that Dan can see there is something wrong with her just by see it in her eyees.
Lilly hugs Dan and said, "I miss Richy... and Hannah, she was devastated and look for Jake everywhere, but couldn't find her."
"Oh my dear Lilly... don't cry.. I'm here now."
"I know Dan, thank you for all of this."
Dan took Lilly sits next to him. He comfort her, like he always did. But he knows deep down, Lilly is falling in love with Richy, that is why she looks so sad.
"Lilly.. you do know where Jake is right? You are important to him. Its impossible that he didn't tell you about his whereabouts."
Lilly look at Dan and answers, "Dan,.. Jake.. he asked me not to tell anyone about his whereabout. Not eveb to Hannah, he's afraid that he might endanger all of us."
"Lilly.. in any circumtances, promise me not to tell anyone about Jake wherabouts,!" Dan whispers in Lilly's ear.
Lilly look at Dan curiously, "Dan.. what's going on?"
"shhht Lilly, don't talk loudly. Just promise me okay."
"Alright Dan, I promise.. but you better tell me what happen?"
"I will Lilly, in time.. I need to buy more times."
Dan realize that Shaun is looking at him sharply and put smiles on his face.
Dan goes to Shaun and Hannah,and greet them, "Hey Shaun, Hannah.. how are you?"
Hannah answer, "Hey Dan, I'm good.. trying to
Be much better."
Shaun said, "I'm good also Dan, its good to see you Dan."
Fout of them talk long time at Lilly's apartement until the night comes.

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