The Search of Truth

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The Apartment
Jake Donfort, a hacker, most wanted by the FBI because of his last action, and a loving and caring brother to the Donfort sister.
He sits oh his chair, in an apartment in Duskwood whom no one knows except Lilly Donfort. He look at his working table, the laptop is on with so many different programs.
He type Dan Anderson on his keyboard, and then lots of files come up, files that wont appear in any usual search engine.
He looked at the file closely, and finally knows that Dan was one of The Lethal Duo, but the picture of his partner is blurred and either the name, it had been erased.
Jake take a deep breath, lying his head on his chair, and thinking.. 'I trusted Dan.. but eventually he was the one fools me.'
Then he type again on his keyboard, he put Jessy's phone number on it, and it surprised Jake.. Jessy last online is with 2 person., Dan and Mr. Alan Bloomgate.
'It can't be Alan, because what will benefits him if Jessy is dead. But Dan.. hmm it looks suspicious.. I have to dig more of it.'

Alan's Office
Alan is just entering his office whe one of the police officer greets him, "Chief, there's a letter for you. It has no name in it, but I already checked it, and its save."
Alan said, "Well, okaay. Thanks a lot by the way
"No problem chief." The officer ansewered Alan.
Alan enters his room, and he sees a brown envelope on his desk. He takes off his coat, put it on the coach and then sit oh his chair.
He open the envelope and pull out the pictures and papers out of it. He takes his breath while seeing the picture. Its pictures of Dan and someone else, and its written Lethal Duo, and the paper is a phone record, indicates that Dan was online with Jessy before she died, and of course Alan's number is also there.
Alan tries to search for the sender, but find nothing. He stand up from his chair, going to the window, and look at the rain.
'Dan Anderson.... I guess I have to get more info about you. We will meet soon Dan.'

At The Aurora
Alan drives his car into the Aurora, hoping to get more info about Dan. He parks his car at The Aurora then enters the bar. He look around but can't find Dan. So he goes to the barista bar and sees Phil there.
"Hey Phil.. how are you?" Alan asked.
"Mr. Alan.. good to see you, please take a seat here." Phil shake Alan's hand.
"So.. what would you like to drink Mr. Alan?" Phil asked Alan.
"Just Alan please, its not at my office so I want to be less formal. Hmm lets see.. Can I have a gin please?"
"Gin? Hmm good choice Alan, just a moment I'll make it for you." Said Phil, and then he goes behind the bar and make the drinks.
A few minutes later, Phil brings Alan's drink, and gives to him, "Here you go Alan."
Alan take the glass and says, " Thank you, Phil."
"No problem Alan." Phil was about to leave when Alan gives a sign to stay.
"Phil.. what do you know about Dan?"
"Dan? Our Dan?"
"Yes. Dan Anderson. How close you're with him?"
"What is this all about Alan?"
"Nothing Phil.. just a curiousity."
"Hmmm he used to come here, but I haven't seen him today."
"Good.. call me if you see him okay."
"Hmmm okay Alan. Will you excuse me, I have another customer awaits."
"Sure.. go ahead Phil." Alan drink his last glass, and grab his wallet, take 10$ from his wallet, put in on the bottom of his glass and leaves The Aurora.

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