The Talks

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Lilly is trying to comfort herself by walking down the street in Duskwood, and ended up at Aurora. She enters the Aurora, sees Phil at the bar section, she goes to Phil. "Hey Phil.. how are you?"
Phil look at Lilly and smile, "Hey sweetie.. I'm good.. and you are? You look miserable" and he laughs
"Heeeyy don't talk like that Philly Boy, (smiles back).. I'm good.. uhmm No.. trying to be better."
"Good girl. I don't want to see you sad sweetie.. So would you like some strawberry juice and some french fries?"
"Yes Phil.. I'd love to. Thanks"
"Ay ay captain.. will be at your serve." Phil goes to the back side of the bar to prepare Lilly's order.
Lilly's eye catch on someone on the corner of the bar, sitring alone while drinking his glass of whiskey and then he lit his cigarette.
Not that long, Phil comes to Lilly's table and serve her orders. "Here you are sweetie.. Enjoy."
Lilly smiles at Phil and says, "Thank you Phil, oh Phil.. is Dan there?" and points at the man sits alone.
"Yeah.. its Dan.. I think he has something in his mind. He's been different since the mine explosion and Richy's death."
"Yeah Phil.. I'm feeling it too. He is completely acting really weird. Uhmmm.. Should I go there?"
"Sweetie, I guess its not the best time for you to go there." Phil winks at her.
"Yeah you probably right Phil. And where is Jessy? I haven't seen her for a while?"
"Yeah you know Jessy.. since Richy's death she's stay at home a lot, but this morning she finally went outside for a walk.. do you know that she loves Richy?"
"Poor Jessy... yes Phil, I know that. Its seen clearly when Jessy is with Richy, she seems so happy and bright.."
"Ohhh.. well then, I have been a very bad big brother to her. I don't even know how her feelings towards Richy."
"Noo Phil.. don't think like that." Said Lilly and she drink her strawberry juice..
"You've always been a good brother to Jessy even though sometimes she hates you for being a jerk. But she loves you still."
"(Phil smiles) I'm such a charming big brother don't I"
They both laugh.
Lilly's started to eat her fries, when suddenly she notice that Shaun in entering the Aurora and goes to Dan. Shaun is sitting infront of Dan and not ordering anything. One thing she noticed, that Shaun and Dan might had a fight, since he left Dan so suddenly and furious.
"Hmmm what happen between Dan and Shaun? I thought they get along together.", but she didn't care about it and continue eating. Then suddenly, she hears Phil screams.
"No!!!!!! Jessy !!!!!!!"
Lilly's left her chair and look for Phil, "Phil!! What happen..?"
Phil not answering, he hugs Lilly and cry, "Lilly.. I've got a message, Jessy is dead, her body is at the hospital now.!!"
"What?! Dead? What do you mean?" Lilly start to panic also
"lilly, can you come with me to the hospital?"ask Phil
"Sure Phil, I'll drive you there." Lilly take his car keys
and rush into the hospital with Phil.
Arriving at the hospital, Phil immediately go to morgue, while Lilly calls the others and gives the info about Jessy.
Not that long they all gather in the hospital, Shaun, Dan, Thomas, Hannah. They all goes to the morgue where Phil and Lilly awaits them.
Thomas says, "Phil.. I'm so sorry, what happen to Jessy?"
Phil try to be strong and says, "Jessy,. They found her in the river, she.. she jumped from the bridge.. and left this note." Phil show them a litte note 'I can't live without Richy, So This is my last Goodbye, Jessy'
Hannah is shocked, she couldn't stop crying in Thomas's shoulder.
Dan look pale, he had a romance earlier with Jessy, looks like he is the one hurt most, sits on the floor trying to be strong and then I heard a scream from him, "No!!!!!!!! Not Jessy!!!!"
Lilly come closer to Dan, hold his head, and says, "Dan.. Dan!!!"
Dan looked at Lilly and hugs her. And Lilly hugs him back. "Dan.. be strong okay.. Don't be like this."
Shaun is crying and hugs Phil, "Shaun... I knew you like Jessy.. Are you okay?" Phil asked Shaun. Shaun is not answering and cries.
Not thay long Mr Alan Bloomgate arrive at the morgue and sees them. "I am sorry for your lost. The police department wont investigate much further since it was a suicide. Once agai, my deep condolences"
Phil answer, "Thank you Mr Alan. I really appreciate it." Phil shook Mr. Alan's hand.
"Well then, I'd better leave you guys alone."
"Thanks again, Mr. Alan", saya Phil
And they all hug each others while looking at Mr. Alan leaves the morgue..

How The Story End - A Duskwood TaleWhere stories live. Discover now