The Confession

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At The Aurora
After all of them left Aurora, there's left only Phil and Cleo. They both cuddling in the coach when Phil noticed that there is a knock on the door. Phil look at Cleo and says, "Who could it be? "
Cleo answer, "I have no idea Phil. Just becareful okay."
"Sure Cleo." Phil goes to the front and open the door. He was surprised that Shaun is there, "Hei Shaun, you missed the show tonight."
Shaun smiles at Phil and says, "Its okay Phil, I have my own show."
"Lets talk inside Phil,. " he hugs Phil and both of them goes inside.
And then Shaun see Cleo there, "Hey Cleo, its too bad, you are not supposed to be here." Shaun took his gun out of his pocket and shot Cleo.
Blood is coming down from Cleo's head. Phil watched it and hold his head with his head, and look at Shaun, "What!!! No!!! Cleo!!!! Why Shaun."
Shaun pointed the gun at Phil and ask him to sit down, "Don't make extra moves Phil, I already turn off the camere in Aurora, so noone will know."
Phil sitted down an said, "What do you want Shaun?"
Shaun stand in front of Phil and said, "I know Alan come here few days ago? What was he asked for? And what do you tell him?"
"Nothing Shaun, I didn't tell anything to Alan, I swear to God."
"Well looks like you tell me the truth. But sorry, you have seen me." Shaun pull the trigger and shot Phil in the head. Afte that he left Aurora.

At Lilly's house
After driving along the street and thinking about the letter, Dan decided to go to Lilly's house. Dan drive his car as fast as he can and goes to Lilly's house. After he arrive, he park his car and knock on the door.
Lilly open the door, "Dan.. Come on in. Jake.. He is here waiting for you."
Dan enters the door and says, "Hey Lilly... "
Lilly is not answering him.
They both walks in and then he sees Jake waiting for him inside.
Jake says, "Dan, gives your phone to Lilly."
Dan follow the orders and gives the phone to Lilly, and she handed it over to Jake.
"Sshhh.. don't talk here. Lets go upstairs. Lilly, just stay downstairs okay. It wont be long."
Dan follows Jake going upstairs. They both enters the room. Jake lock the door, stand behind Dan and suddenly kick his leg, making Dan down on his knee.
He pushed Dan's body to the floor and then handcuffed his hand at the back, and put Dan sit on the chair, so both of the sits face to face.
Dan look at Jake and talk, "So.. I guess you already know about me."
Jake look back at Dan and said, " No need to chit chat.. tell me the truth."
" You already know me, I am one of the Lethal Duo, and because of you, my buddy goes to prison. He just got out recently. He wants to revenge on you."
Jake stands up in front of Dan and punches Dan's face. "That's for killing my friends back then." And then he punches again, "That's for lying to us all along."
Dan feels his mouth full of blood, "Yeah I deserve it."
Jake sits down again and ask, "So who is this partner."
Dan silence for a while, and then answers, "Jake.. I want you promise me. Don't let anyone knows who my partner is, or he will kill you."
"Okay, the secrets stays between you and me. Now tell me who is your partner?"
Dan take a deep breath and says, "Its Shaun.. His real name is Gerald, he same like you, has a very incredible skills in hacking, and also very brutal to his victims."
Jake hold his breath, so its Shaun, he fools me also. "Did he erased his file?"
"Might be Jake, he is as good as you are in terms of hacking."
"Let me asked you this important question. Its about Jessy, suicide or homicide?"
Dan look down and couldn't speak.
"Answer me you fucking shit." Jake is furious at Dan.
Dan look at him.. silence for a moment and then, "I'm so sorry Jake... it... it was us."
"Whaaat!!!" Jake stands up take Dan's sleeve and push him to the wall.
"I'm so sorry.. Jake."
Jake is silence and he punches Dan in the face and in stomach,
"So its true.. both of you killed Jessy and make it like she was doing suicide."
"Aaarghh.... Y.. yeaah Jake... I'm so sorry. After all of this over, I'll turn myself in to Alan."
"You better be Dan."
"Look, whenever happen to me. Please take good care of my Lilly" Dan tries to sit on the floor and says, "I love Lilly Jake, since long time ago.. I don't want anything happen to her."
"I know that Dan.. and yes I will take good care of her. Now you bettee be go home or Shaun will suspect you." Jake goes to Dan and uncuff him.
"Thank you Jake."
What they don't realize, Lilly was standing all the time at the door, listening all the things happen inside.
When Jake open the door, he sees Lilly, she cries and look at Dan as if he's one big asshole. Dan sees her also and try to talk with her, but she didn't respond him, and she slap Dan in the face and then run into her room.
"Jake.. please tell Lilly, don't talk about this to anyone or she will be in great danger."
"I will Dan trust me. I'll give you a new phone" he goes to his room again, take somethinn from the cAbinet ad gives Dan the phone. "I'll contact you by this phone, keep it save." And gives Dan his old phone.
Dan goes downstairs. He goes to the kitchen, find a sink and clean his face.
After that, he walks out from Lilly's home and goes to his car. He enters the car, sits on driver's side and lays his head, 'I was relief, Jake already knows everything. And he will help me'
He started the engine and goes home..

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