The Secret Message

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At Lilly's house
Lilly is looking at her phone, hoping there was a message from Jake. But she got nothing. 'Where is Jake.. I haven't seen him for months and he only called me once after the explosion'.
Suddenly her phone ring, there is a message from an unknwon number, 'Could it be Jake?' she questioned herself.
She take her phone , and look at the message,
"Lilly, its me Jake."
Lilly reply, "Jake!! Where have you been? Are you still in Duskwood!"
"Yes Lilly, I'm still at Duskwood, I'm still at place I've told you before."
Lilly reply, "Jake!! Jessy... Jessy is gone.. she killed herself."
"I know that Lilly, and I have feelings that it wasn't a suicide."
Lilly reply. "What do you mean Jake? "
"I'm trying to investigate it. I went to the funeral also, but you can't see me."
"Jake!! Why?" Lilly asked
"If I already know the answer, I'll let you know. But meanwhile, don't talk to anyone that I texted you."
"Jake!! Strange, but.."
"But what Lilly?"
"Its Dan.. He also told me not to gives any information about you to anyone. Jake, what's going on"
"Hmm... alright then, don't worry little sister, I'll tell you everything soon. Miss you sis."
"Miss you too brother.. "
The chat ended, and Lilly is getting more curious than ever.

At Aurora
Dan park his car at Aurora. He enters the door, and sees Phil at the bar . He waves at him, and Phil waves back at Dan.
Dan goest to the chair Phil pointed at. He sit there and orders a tequilla. Phil says, "Good choice, Dan. Just wait a moment alright."
Dan smiles at Phil and saya, "I know Phil, thanks."
After a few minutes, Phil got back to Dan and gives him the drink.
"Here you go Dan, a glass of Tequilla and from me, a bunch of fries." Phil serves the drink and snack to Dan.
Dan laughs at Phil and says, "Phil, you'll get broke if you give me free food all the times."
"There you go big buddy, I finally see you laughing." Phil smiles at Dan.
"Yeah Phil, lots of things happening lately." Dan answer Phil.
Phil look at Dan and noticed there's bruises on Dan's face, and he asked, "Hm Dan, what's happened?"
Dan look at Phil in confusion, "What do you mean Phil?"
Phil pointed ad Dan's bruises, "That's Dan.. what happen with you?"
Dan touch his bruises and says," Oh this, its nothing, I just fell down, and hit my face to the chair.."
Phil says, "oh.. are you okay now?"
"Yeah Phil.. I'm good. Don't worries Phil." Dan answer the question and zip his drink.
"Alright Dan, I think I have another customer to be served, see you Dan." Phil talk to Dan and leave him to take care another customer.
After Phil served his next customer, he sees Dan is still right there, his eyes seems wondering, and that bruises. Phil doesn't believe Dan's stories about he  down own his own. 'He must be get hit by someone. But who?' Phil questioning himself.

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