The Silent Victim

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The night before
Jessy is lying on her bed, looking at the ceiling, then see the picture of Richy right at her bedside table. Tears comes out of her eyes. She remembered everything about Richy, how he mad funny names of his fishes, and how he would react if Jessy is late.
Jessy is madly in love with Richy. Since he broke up with Dan, she and Richy were getting close, but both of them never had a chance to express their feelings to each other. She hugs her pillow tight, and cries without a sound. Loosing Richy means loosing everything to her.
Then her phone rings. There is a message from Dan "Hey Jessy, its me Dan. How are you?"
"I'm good Dan.. trying to be better. What's up Dan?"
"Jessy.. you don't have to lie to me.. I've known you for so long."
"Dan.. I missed Richy.. Dan.. I love him, why the hell he did that stupid things?" Tears comes out of her eyes while she write the message.
"Jessy.. its his choice, there's nothing we can do about it. Jessy, would you like to walk with me tomoorow morning? Just like the old times?"
"Dan.. I... I don't know if I can.."
"Ohh come on Jessy, you hadn't going out from home since Richy's funeral. Its time to move on Jessy."
"Dan.... Fine, I'll go with you. Maybe around 8?"
"Sure Jessy, well meet at the city. I'll call you later."
"Okay. Night Dan.. see you tomorrow."
"See you Jessy."
And then Jessy fall asleep.
In the other place. Shaun in at Dan's place at that night. "Shaun, I've texted Jessy, we will meet tomorrow." Dan look at Shaun, then Shaun smiles at him.
"Good job Dan. I know I can count on you. Now you do know what to do right?"
"Shaun, I don't even know whether Jessy known Jake wherabouts or not"
"Its your job to find out Dan, and remember don't make her suspicious on us."
"Fine Shaun.. I'll do what I can"
"And Dan.. i know you had pasr relationship with Jessy, so don't even try to give her clues or something."
"Shaun!!!! What the hell.. I won't do that."
"Ahahahaaa... okay Danny boy.. just don't ruin it tomorrow."
Shaun, drink his last glass of whiskey and leaves Dan's apartement.
Dan drink his glass of whiskey and then thrown it to the door. "Shit..."
He sits on his chair, hold his head with both hands, "Damn it.. why it has to be like this."

Next morning
Its 7.30, Jessy dressed well because she will meet Dan again. Dan once become part of her life. But it changed when she found out that Dan is not entirely tell her the truth about he is. And she found it out when he almost get caught back then,
Jessy get her car keys, and leaves the room. When she reach the kitchen, she sees Phil, she kiss her brother on the cheeck and said, "Phil, I'll leave for a while. See you later brother."
"Hey Jessy, where will you go?"
Jessy not answer it, she just waves her hand and leaves Phil.

The Meeting
Dan waits for Lilly at the bridge not far from the edge of the forest. He lit his cigarette and looked at the skies.
Not for long, Dan see Jessy's car. He throw his cigarette and wait for her to park.
Jessy comes out of her car, "Dan.. she runs to him and hugs her."
Dan hugs her back and says, "Jessy, how are you. Are you okay?"
"I'm good Dan.. but still grieving. You know how I feel about Richy."
"yeah, I know it.. it must have been hard for you. But its good to see you here."
Both of them goes to the bridge. Hold their hands od the edge of bridge.
"Dan.. what is happening? You seem different since Richy's death."
Dan sighs, "Jessy.. I wish I could tell you..."
"Well.. I'm here now. What do you want to talk about."
Dan asnwered, "Jessy, its about Jake.. Do you know where he is?"
"Hmm Jake. Why you asked... I might know where he is but I can't be sure."
"Jessy, please remember. Its important. I need to see Jake, and I tried to call him, but his phone is not active anymore."
"I'm sorry Dan, but as I told you earlier, I'm not sure where Jake is." Jessy answerd and look at Dan with furious.
Seing Jessy's eyes, Dan put his finger in front of Jessy, as if he gives a sign to Jessy to shut up.
The suddenly, Shaun come out from Dan's car and goes to them.
Jessy look at Shaun and says, "Shaun.. why do you here.?"
Dan turning his back and sees Shaun, "Shaun.. no Shaun."
Shaun didn't listen, he pull his gun from his pocket, goes towards Dan, and shoot the floor in front of Dan
Dan shocked and said, " Damn you Shaun.. what is it for?"
Jessy step back until he reached the edge of the street, "Dan.. Shaun, what is happening?"
Dan try to reach Jessy, "Come on JesSy don't step back again or you will fall from the bridgr."
Shaun scream, "Jessy where is Jake!!!"
Jessy is scare of Shaun, and talk "I ... I don't know where he is. Dan!! "
"Jessy, I am so sorry...  I never want this to happen." Dan talks to Jessy
"Enough of the chit chat.. Poor Jessy, Dan is with me Jessy from the beginning. He must pay for what he had done to me.!!"
Dan move forward so he is in front of Jessy, "Shaun please, it doesn't have to end like this."
Shaun moves forward to Dan, and hit Dan woth the back of his glock, making his nose bleed.
Jessy scream, "No!!' Dan!!!!"
Dan tries to get close to Jessy, but Shaun shoot his gun once again to the floor, making Dan step back. And the he pointed the gun to Jessy, making Jessy step back and he pushed Jessy with his gun, and then Jessy is fallen into the river.
There is nothing that Dan can do, he hears nothing but Jessy's scream. He look at to the river fromthe brigde and see Jessy's body.
Dan looked at Shaun furiously, he turn Shaun's back and punches him in the face. "Well well, looks like Dan here already has courage he never had before."
Shaun step forward and kick Dan in the leg, Nd second kick landed on Dan's stomach. Making him fall down breathless.
"Shaun.. stop it.."
Shaun takes a note from his pocker, go to Jessy's car and put the note. And then get back to Dan, who is sit on the floor. And then he said, "lets go Dan, we have to go now."
Shaun enters Dan's car, and Dan follows him, and they both leaving the place and Jessy's car, and go away.

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