The Chase

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After getting rejected by the others,  Dan decided to return to his apartement, he drive his car from the morgue to his apartement. Not that far from his apartement, he sees lots of police car in his parking lot, 'Damn it, shit.. Why do I left that gun at home.' Dan turn his car back un noticed by the police officer. 'Shit.. where I should go.' He tries to call Shaun, 'Pick it up Shaun...' but he only got into the voicemail. Dan decided to go to Richy's hut. He still have the keys. He drives all the way to th edge if forest.
Dan arrive at the hut with thousands of minds. He would never thought it ended up like this. He gets out of the car, open the hut's door. He enters the hut, turning on the light, and sits on the chair.
He turns on TV and sees the news, "Dan Anderson, is wanted for the murder of Phil Hawkins, Cleo and possible suspect Jessy Hawkins murder. We have new information that Jessy Hawkins's death is not suicide, but a homicide..." Dan turn off the TV.
"Oh my God... " he puts his head on his hand.
Suddenly his phone rings, its Shaun, Dan answers the phone.
"Shaun.. you bastard.. how could you do this to me?"
"Well.. you didn't give me what I need. And, the truth is, I want you to feel what I feel inside the prison." Dan hears a laugh from the phone.
"Shaun please.. it doesn't have to be like this. No more victims.."
"Well all the evidence is pointed at you.. and there's nothing you can do about it."
"Gives me times I'll bring Jake to you Shaun."
"It depends on how good you escape the police again."
"Damn you Shaun... where the all are you?"
"I am nowhere to be found at this moment, its a mystery Dan."
"I will find you Shaun., I will... "
Then the phone cuts.

At Lilly's
As Lilly watches TV about Dan as a suspect for Phil and Cleo's murder, she cries quitely. She knows deep down her heart, she's in love with Dan also. Dan is the one who always there for her, protect her from everyone hitting on her. Dan will always be Lilly's big teddy bear.
And see him all over the news makes Lilly worries about him, she noticed that the police already search for his house but he's nowhere to be found.
Then Lilly texted Jake, 'Jake... do you believe Dan killed them?'
The replay is long enough, then Lilly received text from Jake, "My little sister, I don't know what else to say.. You do know what will happen if he did all of those things, right?'
Lilly text back, 'I do Jake.. but I don't want to think about it... It.. hurts my feeling.'
'Oh.. Do you love him?'
'I don't know Jake... I really don't know...'
'I know where he is, I'll try to contact him.'
'Jake.... please don't tell the police .'
'No.. I wont, I'll bring him myself if he did that.'
Lilly cries harder. She doesn't sure what to feel towards Dan.

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