The News

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Dan went home after seeing Jake at Lilly's house. He park his car, gets out of the car. He still feel the pain after got beaten by Jake earlier.  He touches his stomach, 'Damn it, I never thought Jake has that kind of power.'
He walks to his house, open the door, lock it and then goes to the kitchen. He takes some water and drinks it. Then goes the the couch, lying his head and take the shirt off, and look at the bruises on his stomach. And then put some ice on it.
Suddenly he sees a gun on the table, next to the TV, 'What the Hell?' He goes there, and take the gun, and look at it, 'Damn it, its my gun. How it can be here now? And the bullet is gone a few.' He took it and bring it upstairs. He open his room's door, going to the drawer, put the gun on the secret chamber there. Then he goes to shower. Then go to bed.

The Next Day
Thomas is walking around the Aurora when he noticed lots of people and police gather there. He walks closer, then he ask one of the policeman there, "Excuse me sir, what happen here? Its my friend's bar?"
The policeman answer, "There's a homicide inside. There's two body with a gun shot there."
Thomas says, "Whaaat!!! Two bodies? Gun Shot?"
The police nod his head.
Thomas panic and says, "Officer, can I come in, I know the owner of this place. Oh God please not him!"
The officer look at Thomas and finally brings him inside the Aurora, there he sees Alan and call him, "Mr. Alan, what happen here." He look at the officer and says, "I know Mr. Alan, I will go with Mr. Alan"
Then he walks to Alan.
Alan sees Thomas, waving his hand, "Thomas, come here."
Thomas shake Alan's hand. "Mr. Alan, what happen here?"
Alan look at Thomas, take a deep breath and says, "Thomas, come look at this," he pointed his fingers into two dead bodies.
Thomas sees the bodies and suddenly scream, "No!!!! Cleo!! Phil!!!...."
Mr. Alan calm Thomas down, " Thomas, I'm sorry for your lost again."
"No Alan, them both were fine last night. We had an events, its Jessy's memorial night. And now..." Thomas was speechlees and almost fainted there, Alan escort Thomas out of the Aurora.
"Thomas, what time do all of you leave last night?"
"Might be around 9 or 10 Alan." Thomas answer.
Alan take a note and the asked Thomas, "Are you going home all together?"
"Me, Hannah, Lilly go home together. Dan I guess going home alone, he is the last one here last night." Thomas answer to Alan question.
"Alright Thomas, thanks.. You better call the others now."
"Right Alan.. I'll call the others."
Alan leaves Thomas outside, and get back inside the Aurora.
Thomas sits outside the Aurora, seeing two bodies were brought to the Ambulance. He put his hands on his head. He take his phone and text the others, 'Guys, there was a homicide in Aurora,.. Phil and Cleo... they got shot, and they gone guys..."

Dan was just wake up and straightly goes to shower. After he finished, he went downstairs, goes to the kitchen and make some coffee. The smell of coffee in the morning makes the day for Dan. He brings his cup of coffee to the living room, and sit on the couch. He drinks a zip of his coffee, put it on the table and turn in the TV. "Breaking News today, there has been a homicide last night at The Aurora, victims are male 35 years old and female 32 years old. Both of them were shot at the head." The news anchor talks on the TV.
Dan is ver shocked, he almost dropped the TV's remote. He lies his head on the couch. He feels his head is spinning around and then go straight to his room. He checked on the gun last night and realized that his gun was being used., 'Damn it, why I didn't noticed it last night.' Dan cursed himself. He keep the gun on safe place that noone knows and then see both of his phone.
He noticed there is message in both phones. He take his phone and see the message from Thomas and then not that long, Shaun texted him, "Tick Tcock, time is clicking.. you better find him or you prefer to run away again."
Dan replays, "You fucking bastard Shaun. You'll pay for this. I promised you.!"
He puts his phone on his pocket and took another phone and sees message, "Dan, did you do that?"
Dan replays, 'Of course no.. trust me!"
Dan take his car keys and runs to the parking lot. He enters his car and then start the engine. He called Thomas on his way, "Thomas, where are you now?"
"We all are at the morgue Dan."
"Alright I'll be there soon"
Dan drive as fast as he can to the morgue. He arrive at about 15 minutes later. He park his car, get out from his car. He takes a deep breath, smoke his cigarette, gathered himself and then enter the morgue.

He looks for Thomas and the others. He sees Thomas and the others in front of a room. He moves towards them. "Thomas, Lilly, Hannah.. what happened with Cleo and Phil?"

Thomas didn't answer him, Lilly look at Dan her eyes were lit as if she is very mad at him, and he says, "Lilly.. what happened?"

Lilly answered, "I hope you're the one to tell us Dan. What happened last night?"

Dan looks at Lilly, he's a bit confuse and says, "What do you mean Lilly? I'm not doing anything last night. I was at your home right."

Lilly look at Dan and talks, "Before that Dan.. you were the last one there with them."

Dan comes to Lilly, trying to hugs Lilly, but Lilly fend off his hand. Thomas stepped forward and push Dan away from Lilly, "Don't Dan. She don't want you near her."

Dan moves backwards, "alright Thomas, calm down." Dan look at Lilly and says, "I didn't do that Lilly, trust me. Phil and Cleo is like a family to me,.."

Before Dan had a chance to continue his words, Hannah slap his face. "Dan you'd better get off from here, until everything is clear."

Dan look at Hannah, he clench his hand, but immediately release his hand, "Hannah, don't be like this, guys.. Thomas, Lilly? Look, I'll explain everything.. but not now!!"

Thomas step forward and push Dan again, "Dan please, leave now or I'll call Alan." Thomas is ready to call Alan then Dan says, "Alright.. I'll leave you guys.."

Dan leaves them and goes to the parking lot start his engine and walks away.

How The Story End - A Duskwood TaleWhere stories live. Discover now