The Memorial

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At The Aurora
A month after Jessy passed away, Phil texted the others including Shaun, to have a memorial night at The Aurora. The others agreed to it and they promise to be there at 8pm. Phil planned to close The Aurora a bit earlier.m, around 4 pm. The time now is 3 pm and suddenly he hears the doors open, and Dan is right there. He sees Phil, goes to him an sits on the chair.
"Dan.. what a pleasant surprised. I thought you'd come tonight." Phil asked Dan.
"Yeah.. I.. I need to clear my mind first.." Dan answer.
"Do you need anything?" Ask Phil to Dan. He sees Dan a bit different today, but he can't explain it.
"Usual please Phil." Dan answer Phil without seeingn him.
"Alright, just a sec." Phil prepared the drinks for Dan.
A few moments later, Phil come and bring the drinks for Dan, "Here you go big guy."
"Thanks Phil.." Dan drinks it in one shot.
"Wooow that was fast.." Phil teased Dan
Dan just silence.. he looks so miserable to Phil.
"Hmm Dan, I need to tell you something."
Dan look at Phil and says, "What is it Phil.. "
"Well someone came here yesterday asking about you." Phil answer Dan.
Dan shocked but not showing it to Phil, "What.. who?"
"The policeman Alan, Alan Bloomgate. Dan, tell me, you are not involved in bad things?" Phil ask Dan.
Dan answered, "What.. Alan came to find out about me? And what do you tell him?"
"Dan.. don't play with me. Now look at me and tell me that you didn't do bad things."
Dan look Phil in the eyes and said, "Phil.. no I don't do anything."
Phil know Dan is hiding something but he don't want to rushed him or force him to tell the truth.
"Alright then.. I didn't said anything to Alan and he didn't tell me either why he asked about you. I just said that you used to spend some times here."
Dan look down to his empty glass and says, "Okay Phil... thank you for your info. I'd better go home now and prepare for tonight. See you Phil"
Dan leaves the Aurora and Phil continue preparing Aurora for tonight's event.

At Lilly's Home
Hannah, Lilly and Thomas are sitting in the kitchen, they talk about tonight's event at The Aurora.
Thomas said, "Its been a month since Jessy's gone.. and almost half a years Richy's gone also.. Time is moving so fast."
"Right Thomas, times flies so fast. But it walks slow for me.. I've lost Richy and Jessy." Lilly said, and tears is coming from her eyes.
Hannah moves closer to Lilly and hugs her, "Its okay Lilly, you can cry.."
Lilly hugs back Hannah and cry.
After a few moments Hanna says, "Come on.. lets us prepare, it almost tine for the events." And look at Thomas and Lilly. Them both noded their head and goes to the room and prepare themself to go.

At Dan's Apartement
Dan is preparing himself to go to the Aurora, he wars his favourite jacket and his faveourite jeans. And suddenly his phone rings. There is a message from Cleo, "Dan, can you pick me up tonight? My mom use my car"
Dan reply, "Yes sure. Wait for me. I'll pick you up."
Soon after Dan reply Cleo's chat, he hear his door opened 'Damn it must be Shaun'
Dan comes out of his room and yes, he sees Shaun already seated on his couch. He look at Dan and says, "Hi old buddy... It's been a month and I, I haven't heard anything from you about that little hackerman."
Dan walks away and goes to the kitchen and take a beee, open in and drinks it then says, "Look its harder than you think about. Just give me some times" Dan throws the beer can to the garbage and then look at Shaun, "I'm going no, I have an appointment today."
"Sure Dan.. I know about it.. you think I will let you un supervised? I'm not that old guy who you can easily fooled." Shaun is stand up and goes to the kitchen.
Dan stepped back when he sees Shaun take his gun out of his pocket, Dan raise his hands up and says, "Shaun... what the hell."
Shaun put a silencer into his gun, and then take a shoot. Then a photo frame is fallen from the wall, its the picture of Dan and the others. Dan shocked and take the broken frame and photo, he yelled "Damn you Shaun."
Shaun walks to Dan, grab his sleeve, and push him into the wall, pointed his guns into his head and says, "Remember, if you don't get Jake, all of them will die and you.. you will take all the responsiblity."
Shaun put his gun down, released his hand from Dan's and left.
After Shaun left, Dan gathered himself, and take the car keys and leaves the house. He picked up Cleo and then they go to The Aurora.

The Memorial
They all arriveed at Aurora in the same time. Phil opens the door for them and greets them. "Come on in all." They all enters the Aurora, and sits. Thomas is sits next to Hannah, Lilly is sits next to Dan, and Cleo is sits next to Phil.
Phil arise and says,"Lets begin," and the he plays video about Jessy and the others. All of them are burst into tears.. they hug each others. At the end of video, Phil says, "Please keep my sister in your heart. That is the way and she will never be forgotten.."
Thomas said, "Phil, its wonderful, thank you for tonight."
They all left the Aurora, in front of the Aurora, Cleo says, "Dan, I'll be going home with Phil. I'm sorry Dan."
Dan smiles at Cleo and says "Its okay Cleo, have fun with Phil." and waves his hand.
Dan goes to his car when suddenly he noticed that there's a note for him at his car. "Goes to Lilly's house, I'll be waiting for you, J"
Dan hearts beats fast. He know this time will come, the time when he must tell the truth to everyone even though that means whether he ended up in prison or die.

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