The Plan

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After Alan left the Hut, and Lilly go downstairs, they all three sit in the kitchen. The situatiom its a bit awkard between three of them. Jake finally open the conversation, "Alright Dan, we need a good plan, so what is your plan?"
Lilly look at Jake and said, "Jake... give him a break, he's been through a lot today."
Dan look at Lilly and said, "Its okay Lilly.. I'm good with it."
Lilly answer, "No Dan look at you, blood is all over your shirt and your body. You need to taka a rest."
Jake sighs to Lilly, "Lilly..."
"When I said No, it means No Jake Donfort. End of discussion."
"Alright Lilly.. Fine, Dan get some rest and clean yourself, Lilly will help you with first aid kit."
Dan sees Lilly and smiles on her, "Thank you."
Lilly stands up from her chair, goes to Dan, she takes his hand and ask him to go upstairs, "Come one Dan, I'll help you with the first aid."
Dan holds Lilly's hand and followed her upstairs, they go into one room, Lilly said, "Dan, take a bath first, I'll look for the first aid kit."
"Sure Lilly", Dan is going to the bathroom and take a shower.
15 minutes later Dan is finished taking shower, and sees Lilly next to bed with her first aid kit, "Come here Dan, let me help you with the wound."
Dan sits in the bed and let Lilly wipe the wounds with antiseptics, "Lilly... thanks for everything."
Lilly touch Dan's lip and said, "Sssshh, don't talk yet," and then Dan kissed Lilly and Lilly kissed Dan back.
"I love you Lilly.. more then everythin"
"I love you too Dan.."
Lilly put Dan clothes up, shes sees bruises on his stomach, she puts the ice on it so the bruises will get better.
After help Dan with all the wounds, Lilly tell Dan to sleep and rest.
Dan reply, "Sleep with me Lilly.. I.. just want you here with me tonight."
Lilly sees Dan and her cheek is blushes red. "Uhmm alright Dan, I'll sleep here."
Then they both sleep, with Lilly hugs Dan all night.

Next Morning
Its 10 am in the morning, Dan just wake up and realized Lilly is not in the bed. Dan goes downstairs, and sees Jake already in the kitchen, make a hot coffee. "Jake..." he greets Jake.
Jake didn't make a sound, Dan know he must be still upset with all the things happening.
Dan take a glass and making coffee also, after that both of them sit on the chair.
Then Jake says, "Dan, what is your plan?"
"Well Jake, Shaun wants you alive. So I'm thinking giving you to him, but with escort from Alan."
"Hmm I don't think its a good idea Dan, there will be lots of policeman there."
"Jake, they don't have to know who you are. "
"Hmm alright.." before Jake finished talking, Dan suddenly interrupt,
"Wait, Jake.. did you see Lilly? She's not there when I wake up."
"I did see her early in the morning around 7 or so, she said she wants to go back to Duskwood to grabs something. After that I didn't see her."
"Jake, let me checked her car, wait a sec." Dan goes in front of the door, open in and then goes to the parking lot. He sees Lilly's car was still there.
He rushed back into the house, and tell Jake, "Jake!! Lilly's car is here. She never goes to Duskwood.!"
Jake shocked, and goes outside to the parking lot, and also notice that Lilly's car is still there. "Dan, go search inside the house. And I'll check around."
Dan goes inside the house and starts searching.
He goes upstairs looking in each room and bathroom, but no Lilly, then he goes downstairs and to the basement but also find nothing.
30 minutes later, Jake back from the searching and enters the hut. "Shit. I can't find Lilly, but I did found her cellphone on the street."
Dan sees Jake coming and says, "I can't find her here either." Then Dan got a call,
"Hello Dan.. looks like I've got. Surprise for you"
"Damn it Shaun.. where is she?"
"I know both of you are there, Dan and Jake... so I took her.. for exchange."
"Shaun, let her go!! She has nothing to do with this.."
Dan hears the laugh on th phone, "I'll send you the address, but remember only you two and no Alan."
And the phone cuts.
Jake look at Dan with furious, grab his collar, "If anything happen to her. I swear to God, I'll make your life like hell."
Dan look at Jake, "Jake, call down, we will get Lilly, she will be alright."
"You better be Dan... "
"We now have to wait Shaun's address. Can't you located whre Shaun is?"
"He uses lots of firewall, I can't get through it."
Okay... and then Shaun texted them.

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