The Final Countdown

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At Police Station

After Lilly managed to get out from the house, she went right to the parking lot, and drove Jake's car into the Duskwood Police Station. 30 minutes of driving finally she arrive at the station. She gets out of the car and then rush into the station. She bump into one of the officer and with panic ask him to guide her to Alan's room, "Officer, please!! Alan... I need to to Alan.. It's emergency"

The police look at her and try to calm him down, "Miss, try to calm down first.."

Lilly stare at him and yell, "How can I be calm!!! Alan.. I want to meet Alan now"

Hearing the loud sound from outside his room, Alan gets out and sees Lilly. Lilly also look at Alan and then she runs into him, "Alan !!!!"

Alan hugs Lilly and calm her down, "Lilly... calm down.. lets talk inside now." Lilly nods her head, and them both go inside Alan's room.

Alan take a chair and let Lilly sits there while he sits next to her. He hold her hands and aske her, "What happen Lilly? You seems so sad and panic."

Lilly burst in tears and says, "It's Shaun... He kidnapped me.... and.." Lilly cries, Alan gives her tissue, "Take your time Lilly."

Lilly tries to gather herself, and start to talk again, "Shaun.. he shot Jake... and now it's only him and Dan.. I'm afraid he might kill Dan too."

Alan stare at her, "What? When all of this happening? Is it after I left your hiding place?"

Lilly nods her head, "Yes.. it happened a day after you came.. Shaun got me when I was walking... and now.. he got Jake and Dan too...."

Alan hugs Lilly, "Calm down Lilly, where are they now? I'll go there."

"They are at an abandon house near the lake. Alan, I'll go with you.. Please.."

Alan look at Lilly for a few minutes and then says, "Alright, you can come with me.. "

Alan takes his car keys and then goes outside his room, Lilly is following behind him. And they both leaves the station.

The Fight for Life

Dan look at Shaun and says, "Now it's just you and me Shaun. You have killed everyone that I care and love!! It's not the way I wanted from the beginning."

Shaun laugh, "Poor little Dan, I'm not the only one guilty right.. You were there when I pushed Jessy and yet you didn't try to stop me."

Dan goes near Shaun, and grab his collar, "You fucking bastard Shaun..."

Shaun laugh harder as Dan grabs his collar, Dan loosing his control and punches a few times Shaun. "That's all you got Dan? Ha Ha Ha...... I did kill Phil and Cleo.. poor them, they just in the wrong time and the wrong place."

Suddenly Shaun kick Dan's stomach with his knee several times makes Dan step back and fall down. Shaun take the time and sit on Dan's body, he punches Dan several time, Dan is trying to avoid the punches by placing his both hands in his face. But Shaun keep punching Dan, Dan tries to reach out something, and he got a wooden stick, he grabs it and hit Shaun with it. 

Shaun is falling down as the wooden stick on his face, making bloods comes from his head. Dan is struggling to reach Shaun's gun. He find Shaun's gun, and goes to Jake first, he makes sure that Jake is still alive and then move to Shaun, with his last strength, he stand up in front of him, while Shaun is lying down, Dan pointed the gun to Shaun, and pull the trigger, he shot 3 times and after that he fainted.

Jake suddenly awake and feel pain on his chest, he look at it and see his bulletproof vest protected him from the shot. His fake blood also helps him making and faking his death. And then he sees Shaun and Dan, he goes to Dan and reliefs that he's still alive. Realizing that police might come to them, he runs away and leave Dan and Shaun there. 

A few minutes after Jake left the house, Alan and Lilly arrive at the crime scene. Lilly runs out from Alan's car and runs to Dan. While Alan walks slowly and sees Shaun's body, "Well, this is a fight till death. Lilly! How is Dan?"

Lilly answers, "He's alive Alan, I already called 911." She looks at Dan, and says, "Please hang on Babe,.." and she kissed him.

At the Hospital

After 2 days unconscious, Dan finally awake, and he realized that his right hand was cuffed into his bed. "Look like its the end..."

And suddenly he sees Lilly enters his room, she brings some flowers and says, "Hi babe, you're awake..."she goes to him and kiss him. 

"Hi babe... I miss you.. I guess, I won't be able to ask you on a date." and shows her his handcuffed hand.

Lilly looks at him and says, "it's okay. I'll be waiting for you." and they both hears another footsteps entering Dan's room. 

Alan comes in and then says, "Hello both of you. You're awake Dan, well done."

Dan answers, "Hey Alan.. how are you... and uhmm.. do you have any good news for me?"

Alan look at Dan and says, "Well, about that.. I've received a file from unknown sender. (He looks at Lilly) and its filled with recording and video of the events. That is why I'm gladly to informed you that you will only charged with small charges regarding Jessy's murder. And for your past crime.. The district attorney won't put charges.. but you can't leave Duskwood and must do public works for several years, and all those times, we will put tracing device on you. That's my proposal. Will you accept it?"

Dan look at Lilly, and she nodded at Dan. "Alright Alan.. I'll accept that proposal."

"Good, your trial will start soon.. so I hope you recover fast enough Dan." Alan look at them both and says, "Well, I'll see you later Dan." and he left Dan's room.

Lilly close the door, hugs Dan and says, "That must be Jake, he saved you Dan."

Dan answers, "Yeah.. I'm lucky enough., Now Lilly, will you wait for me and accept all of my past?"

Lilly looks at Dan and answer, "Yes Dan, I will wait for you, and no matter what, I will love you always." And then they both kissed each other.

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