Search for Hope

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Dan gets very nervous reading messages from Shaun, it says, 'Come to Michael Hanson's house, you must bring Jake along with you and remember no police inside'
Dan shows the messages to Jake, them both look each other. Dan said, "Jake, what do you think? Should we inform Alan about this?"

Jake answers, "Hmm wait a sec, let me try to locate his number."

Jake take his device and started to locate Shaun's number, "Damn it!! Its shows everywhere, I can't make triangulation from it."

Dan look at Jake and said, "Then we have no choice other than go to Hanson's house."

Jake nodded at Dan and says, "I'll use hidden camera, so if something bad happen, we have proof that we did it for self defense."

"Hmmm, okay if you says so, but what if noticed it? "Dan asked worriedly

"He wouldn't have known it unless you tell him." Jake look at him with sharp eyes.

Dan pretend not to hear that, and says, "So, we better prepare.."

Dan goes to the room upstairs, takes his gun, loaded it with ammo and grabs his jacker and the car keys. While Jake is preparing his surveillance camera and puts it on his button of his clothes, and activate his recording device on his wristwatch.

Dan goes downstairs and ask Jake, "Are you ready Jake?"

Jake look at Dan and says, "Come on, we better be off now, before its all too late."

Both of them goes to the parking lot, Dan says, "Better use my car, so he wouldn't suspect it.""

"Nope, we use my car. I have no time to check whether there is a wiring tap on your car or not."

"Alright, we use your car then." They both enters the car, Jake is in driver seat put his seatbelt and start the engine. And then go to Hanson's house.

At Hanson's House
One hour later, they arrive at Hanson's house, they park the car and get out of the car. Dan is ready with his gun and hesitate to use it against Shaun.
They move forward and get inside, Dan is looking at surrounding. Jake is walking behind Dan.

Dan says, "Jake, why its so quite here?"
"I have no idea Jake.. I have bad feelings about this."
They search all over the house but find no one. And then, Dan bump into a small wooden box.
"Jake... what is that..." Dan look at Jake.
"Lets open it Dan.. I bring my knife, I'll try to open it."
Jake is trying to open the wodden box. After a few attemps, finally th box open.
Jake and Dan was so shocked seeing what's inside the box. It is a picture of Lilly being captive in a room with her mouth taped and her hands tied up.

"Damn you Dan... She.. I can't imagine what she felt right now."
"Jake, I... I am sorry.. I wished I could turn back time, so Lilly wont hurt like this."
Dan is looking at that picture furiously. And look further into the box and sees, a note, with a combination of number. And a message, "Come and find me"
Dan shows the note to Jake, "Jake, do you recognize this number?"
Jake take a look at the number and says, "I think its a coordinate, let me check."
He immediately put the number into his device, amd it leads to a abandon house near the lake.
"Dan, its near the lake, can you try to call Shaun?"
"I've tried to call him few times but its lead to a voicemail. Jake, we should go there."
Jake look at him and says, " Yes as soon as possible Dan."
They both go to the car and leave the Hanson's house.

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