Mr. Alan Thoughts

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Alan, the chief Police at Duskwood just transferred to Duskwood Police Station 4 years ago, is a brillian investigator, he managed to enclose hard case in his previous district, and now, he decided to come back to Duskwood to enjoy his last 10 years before his retirement. He sits on his chair, looking at the rain through his window. And then he turn his sight on his table, where there is stack of Jessy's photo all over it. He take on of the picture and take a picture of a note. "She is so young, but choose the wrong path..." sadness is clearly seen on his eyes.
He looked at his phone and realize that he has a new voicemail thay he hadn't open since the morning. He take his phone and started to listen to his voicemail, 'Hello Mr. Alan, Jessy is here. I am sorry to bother you, just want to let you know, that I'm meeting Dan this morning, you've asked me to call you whenever I'm going. So thats it, Just to informed you that."
Alan place his phone on the table, lying his head on his chair, and whining, "Jessy is meeting with Dan in the morning, and after that, Jessy is founf dead on the river. That can't be coincidence."  Then he calls the data department and ask them if they have data about Dan Anderson
A few hours later, a police officer enters Alan's room, giving him a map of documents about Dan. He looks at it carefully, and noticed that Dan was suspected involve in some criminal case but always got away, he also noticed that Dan is not working alone, he had partner but the name is not mentioned in that file, "Hmm.. interesting. I should arrange a meeting with this Dan."
Alan take his phone and dial Phil's number,
"Hey Phil, this is Alan Bloomgate from Duskwood Police Departement."
"Mr. Alan, what a surprised."
"Once again my deep condolences for you."
"Thank you Mr. Alan I really appreciate it. Oh right, we will held funeral for Jessy tomorrow, hope you'll be there Mr. Alan."
"Oh alright then, until we meet agai there Phil. Well I guess, goodbye for now."
"Good bye Mr. Alan"
Alan cuts the call with Phil. "The funeral is tomorrow, that means, this Dan will be there too. I better be there also." He closes his eyes and laid his head back on his chair and listening to the sound of the rain.

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