The Funeral

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At Jessy's House
That morning, everyone in Duskwood is grieving because of Jessy's death. Funeral wreath is filled inside Jessy's house.
Next to the coffin, sits Phil on his black suits, his swollen eyes can't be hidden, he surely felt the lost most. 
Lilly, Hannah, Cleo, Shaun and Thomas come together. They all wears black suit. Hannah use black glasses to cover her sobbing eyes, so does Lilly. While Thomas trying to keep strong and not showing any sign of sadness.  All of them comes forward to Phil.
Hannah is the first one approaching Phil, he stand up and greet her, "Hannah, thanks for coming here."
Hannah, just directly hugs Phil and cries on his shoulder, "I miss her Phil... I miss Jessy a lots."
Phil try to calm Hannah, "I know that Hannah, be strong okay, Jessy wouldn't want to see you like this." and put his best smile to her. And Hannah goes to the chair and sits there.
Phil sees Thomas, "Hey Thomas, thank you.. I really appreciate it."
Thomas shook Phil's hand and hug him, "My deep condences Phil.. be strong okay."
Phil didn't answer, he almost crying in front of Thomas, so he just nod his head. And Thomas goes sits next to Hannah, kissed Hannah in the forehead and whispers, "I love you babe.. everything is going to be fine." Hannah not answering, she just laid her head onto Thomas's shoulder.
Cleo comes next to Phil, she shake his hands, hugs him and says, "Phil.. Be strong okay. I'll be missing her". Cleo is crying and Phil immediately hugs her, "oh Cleo. She will miss you also.. be strong too okay. Please, take a seat." Cloe is sit next to Thomas
Lilly is the next oner after Cleo. She comes to Phil and hugs him, "Phil.. I'm so sorry for your lost. We all miss her a lot."
"Thank you Lilly, where is Dan by the way?"
"Oh he called me earlier, he said that he had trouble with his car, he'll be here soon."
"Oh.. okay." says Phil. Then Lilli comes sits next to Hannah.
Behind Lilly there is Shaun, he took Phil hands, and hugs him, "My deep condolences Phil.. be strong okay."
"Shaun.. thank you so much for being here." Phil hugs him back. And Shaun goes to the chair and sits next to Cleo.
A few minutes later, Dan shows up. He sees Phil and goes to him, Dan hugs him and said, "Phil.. Its Jessy..  she is gone.." and he burst in tears in Phil's shoulder.
"Dan... i know.. you must strong okay.. she wouldn't want to see you like this. You were always be her big Teddy Bear." Phil hugs Dan tight. And then Dan sits next to Lilly, he look at Lilly and whisper, "Sorry for being late." Lilly nods her head.
5 minutes later, Mr. Alan is present. He comes forward to Phil, shake his hands and says, "Phil, my deepest condolences for your lost. You can call me if you need anything."
"Mr. Alan, thank you for being here. Please take a seat. The ceremony will begin soon."
Alan took a chair and sits behind the others. He nods to the others and so them.

The ceremony begin
The priest is giving the last prayer for Jessy, and after he finished, he says, "Lets hear Mr Phil speech upon Ms Jessy Hawkins."
Phil stand up from his chair, and speak,
"Dear family and Friends, today we will escort my beloved sister, Jessy Hawkins into her last home. She was a friendly and bright woman, has lots of friends that care for her. But in the end, her loneliness took her away from me, from her family and from her friends. One thing we can learn from Jessy is, sadness and loneliness did caused death. I'm standing here on behalf of Jessy Hawkins asking for forgiveness if she had made any mistakes, I'm standing here asking all of you to pray for Jessy, that is the only way we will remember her." Phil burst in tears after taking the speech and back to his seat. The speech is over and then they bring the coffin to the cemetery. All of them following the hearse to the cemetery.

The cemetery
The cemetery man put the coffin into the grave, and close the grave. The funeral procession is over. Phil is going to his car, while Thomas, Hannah, Lilly, Shaun, Cleo gather. And Thomas said, "Guys, whatever happen to us, please stick together, and don't leave each other when one of us is feeling lonely or sad. I don't want things like Jessy happen again."
Cleo answers, "Thomas is right guys. We can'l loose each others again." The others nod their head. And then they went seperate ways. Dan is walking alone to his car, when suddenly Alan approach him, he tap Dan's shoulder, Dan look back and sees Alan,
"Helo Dan, how are you? I'm sorry for your lost also."
"Alan, thanks. Yeah I'm good." And Dan lit his cigarette
"Dan... it seems that you are having something on your mind." Alan look at Dan.
"Naah I don't.. what do you mean by that.?" Dan stop his step and look at Alan.
Alan takes a deep breath and says, "Nothing Dan, nothing.. but I have a feeling we will meet again sooner or later."
Dan look at Alan and says, "Whatever."
Alab walks, and wave his hands to Dan, "Adios Dan.. I guarantee we will."
Dan throw his cigarette and lit another one and whispers, 'Fuck, what the hell he wants." And goes to his car.
Not far from there, Dan didn't notice that Shaun is watching them both talking.  But when he open his car's door, he sees Shaun looking at him. Dan stared for a moment, enter his car, turn on his car and laid down his head. "Shit!!! He saw it!!"

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