The Meeting

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A few days after the funeral, Dan was alone at his apartement. He exercises, sweat is all over his body. And soon after, he went to his mini bar at he kitchen, take a bottle of water and drinks it.
'Knock knock', Dan hears a knock on his door. He approach the door and then open it. It took him by surprise that Lilly is right there, in front of him. Shirtless, he greets Lilly, "Hello Lilly, what a pleasant surprise. Please come on in."
Lili's face is blushes in red seing shirtless Dan, his body is perfect in Lilly's imagination. Lilly smiles at Dan, and she come in into the apartement.
"Take a seat Lilly, do you want something to drink?"
"Thanks Dan, do you have a water? That will be fine."
"Sure Lilly, I'll take you a glass of water."
Dan goes to the kitchen and grab a glass of water for Lilly. He goes Lilly, sits next to Lilly and gives her the water, "Here you go Lilly."
"Thanks Dan.." Lilly take a zip of her water and then look at Dan.
"Dan... are you okay?"
"What do you mean by that Lilly?"
"Uhmmm Dan, I know your relationship with Jessy in the past..." Lilly answer and plays her hand nervously.
Dan sees Lilly lookig akward, he smiles at Lilly and said, "Oh bout that. I am sad Lilly, I just don't showed it in front of many people. And... yes.. I did have a special relationship with Jessy, but it was a long time ago."
Lilly answer, "Oh.. its good to hear, well then I should be get going now." And she stand up from the coach prepare to leave, but Dan grabs her hand, makes her sit back on the couch, and suddenly kissed Lilly on her lips.
Lilly didn't anticipate it, she was schocked, and then slap Dan in the face. Dan stepped back and says, "Lilly, I'm so sorry.. I.. I don't know what I've done."
Lilly answer, "Dan!! Why do you do that to me Dan!!!"
"Lilly, I.. I'm falling in love with you... for so long.. l'm sorry Lilly."
Lilly is not answering, she runs to the door, open it and dan leaves Dan.
Dan walks to the door, seeing Lilly go to her car, and then leaves his apartement. He close his door, and slam the door, 'Shit Dan... what have you done!'
He goes to hos coach, sits down and put his hands on his head. 'Shit.. I shouldn't have done it...'
Lilly burst in tears when she goes to her car. He enters her car, sit in the driver seat and lays down her head to the seat, 'Damn it Dan... I don't know what I feel for you... I'm happy when I'm with you... but, I still don't know....'
Lilly finally start the engine, and leave the car park and goes home.
Arrive at home, he sees Thomas car park there, she park next to his car. Gets out of the car and then enters her house.
When she enters the house, she sees Thomas and Hannah are talking each other. And then both of them see Lilly. Hannah says, "Lilly, come on join us here."
Lilly smiles at Hannah and goes to them. She sits next to Hannah.
Hannah sees Lilly's eyes are swollen, "Sis, are you crying? What happen? Tell us."
Not that long, tears comes out of Lilly'e eyes and she said, "It's Dan... he.... he kissed me."
Thomas is shocked, he stands up from his chair, "What!!! Lilly, what did he do? I'm gonna kick his ass"
Hannah gives Thomas a sign to calm down. She look at Lilly and says, "Lilly, I'm sure he did that not in purpose. It might be on his reflex. You do know he loves you right."
Lilly nod her head and whispers, "But I didn't know how I feel for him at this moment Hannah, I really don't know."
Thomas says, "Hannah... what do you mean? Dan is in love with Lilly? Since when?"
Hannah smiles at Thomas and says, " You don't know thay either honey? Dan has been falling in love with Lilly, since Pine Glade Fest 10 years ago. At that time, Lilly was just a kid, so he stepped back."
Thomas and Lilly are both surprised hearing Hanna's story about Dan. Thomas finally says, "I really don't know about that Hannah."
"Me too Thomas, I really don't know it either." Lilly says while she drinks some water. "I'd better go to my room and clear my head up. See you all." And Lilly goes upstairs to her room.

At Dan's Apartement
Dan is finished practise and prepare to have a shower. He takes his towel, goes to his bathroom and take a shower. After 15 minutes, he finished shower, taking his clothes and goes to the kitchen. He reaches the kitchen but he surprised that Shaun is already there and making his drink, "Hello my buddy, you want to go somewhere?"
Dan answer him, "No Shaun, I'm not going anywhere today. How do you get in?"
Shaun put his glass, walks to Dan, tap his shoulder and then sits on the couch. Dan turn his back and says, "Shaun, how do you get in here?"
Shaun sits on the couch, put his legs on the table and says, "Danny boy... I have you keys... its not that hard to make a duplicate of your keys.. Now you're getting reckless."
Dan just stood there, " Damn you Shaun... what do you want now?"
Shaun stands up, approaching Dan, and then smashed Dan's head into the couch, making him in great pain, "aaarghh Shaun.. what the hell." Dan stepped back and touches his painful head, he realized he can't win the fight against Shaun, who has similar body with Dan and in perfect condition. Shaun is moving forward to Dan, take his clothes and pushed him into the wall, "I've seen you talking with that Alan Policeman, what do you said to him."
Dan asnwers, "Nothing Shaun, I tell nothing to him.!! I swear to God!"
Shaun release his hands and says, "Hmm so you guys talk nothing?" he step back and then try to punches Dan in the face.
Dan hold the punches and said, "Shaun, trust me I'm not saying anything to Alan."
Shaun eyes is lit up when Dan hold his punches, and then he kick Dan's stomach with his knee 2 times making Dan fell down. Dan hold his stomach, he feels the pain on his stomach. Shaun is whispers on Dan's ear, "If you talk anything to anyone, trust me, your live will be like hell, that's a promise Dan." And then Shaun left Dan at his apartement.

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