Alan is Here !!

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They all hears a knock from the door. They looked at each others. Lilly stands up and, and says, "Jake, go upstairs, go hiding." Jake goes upstairs quietly, but Dan is not moving anywhere, he still sits on his chair.  Lilly looks at Dan, and Dan gives a sign that he'll be fine.
Lilly opens the door, and then Alan shows up alone, "Hello Ms Donfort, I knew you'd be here." And he sees Dan, "Dan Anderson... finally we meet again. Please step back Ms. Donfort and don't worry I am alone." Alan points his gun to Dan.
Lilly steps aside, and Dan put his hand up and stands up from his chair.
"Good Dan, now com to me slowly, put your hand in back of your head and kneel down." Ask Alan.
Dan follos his order, he puts his hand on the back of his head, turn his body and kneel down.
Alan goes to Dan, push Dan's body to the floor by his knee, take Dan's hand and put handcuffs on it. Lilly only cries sees Alan handuffed Dan.
Alan pulled Dan and put him on a chair, and ask, "Now, its about time you will tell me everything. From the beginning"
Dan take a deep breath, look at Alan and Lilly who is sits next to Alan right now, "Okay, I'll tell you the truth."
"Ahout 10 years ago. Me and mu friends joined together and did lots of bad things. Started from robbery, drugs dealer, trafficking.. anything you named it. And one day.. on a robbery, we accidently killed someone. And its Jake Donfort's friend."
Alan says, "Jake the hacker?"
Dan noded his head, "So Jake set us up. We got caught, but.. I got away.. they didn't charge me, bacause I.. bribe the police and disctric attorney. So only my partner that went to jail for 4 years."
Dan takes a deep breath, "He just got out, and seel revenge on Jake. That is when everything become disaster."
Alan sighs  and breath deeply, "Okay, so.. this partner, why I can't see his profile on database?"
Dan look at Alan and says, "He is good hacker also, so he erased all of his data but he didn't erased mine."
"Okay, Jessy Hawkins. What happen to her?"
"I asked Jessy to meet me at the bridge, to make her give info about Jake. But she don't give the info. I was trying to prevent everything, but he... he pushed Jessy into the river." Sadness is clearly seen in Dan's eyes.
Lilly bursts in tears hearing Dan's story. She left them and goes upstairs.
Dan sees Lilly and can only whispers, "Lilly..."
Alan look at Dan, "Continue Dan. Phil and Cleo?"
Dan look down and said, "I didn't do that Alan.. I was at Lilly's at that night after the memorial events. He might know that you visited Phil and ask about me.. "
Alan sees Dan, "I don't trust any of your words Dan. And the gun, why it was on your apartement?"
Dan sees Alan, "He puts it there, when I got home, the gun was already there. I swear to God Alan, I didn't kill Phil and Cleo."
Alan stands up goes to Dan, pulled him up and says, "Dan Anderson, you are arrested for the murder of Phil Hawkins, Cleo and Jessy Hawkins, anything you said can be proof in court." And brings Dan into the front door when suddenly, there's voice from upstairs.
"Mr. Alan Bloomgate.. wait a second."
Alan stop his step and look upstairs, He sees someone that's been most wanted by The FBI, "You are...."

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