Chapter 9: Journey through the Night

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I pulled my hood over my head and secured the clip around my neck, letting the rest of the deep blue mantle fall down my back. I threw my water canteen into my already packed bag and zipped it up before grabbing my scabbard. I pulled it over my back along with my quiver, neatly filled with arrows, and I walked to the mounts on my wall to get my weapons.

I slid my claymore into its sheath and placed my shield and bow on my back with it, lifting my cloak so it would cover them. I grabbed my bag and then walked to my door, reaching for the golden handle that would open the right door. As I gripped it, I gave myself a moment to put a second thought towards the decision the decision I was making.

Was it really worth lying to everyone and sneaking off like this? I mean, my parents did lie to me first. It was only fair.

I thought maybe I should head to Akkala instead and ask them directly about this. What if they only tell me more lies? I couldn’t take any chances. The Champions are like family to me, and all I hoped is that they could explain some of this. They’ve been close with my parents since before I was born, so I was sure they knew what happened.

I finally pulled down the handle and pushed open the door, peeking my head out to check and see if the coast was clear. I stepped out and quietly closed the door before sneaking down the hall towards the stairs. I hurried down the red carpeted staircase, almost considering just sliding down the golden railing; it could’ve been much faster and quieter.

I made my way through the lower hallway of the castle, and then finally I reached a doorway in one of the dining halls leading outside. I joined the cobblestone path that led down to the stables, and hurried down to get Ruby. I wasn’t sure how I was going to explain to the stable owners where I was going at this time, but I had to think quickly.

Once I reached the stable, I saw Ruby in her stall with the door open, and I noticed that one of the caretakers was walking back and forth from her and some of the other horses. So I hid behind a tree nearby, but I was close enough to where Ruby could see me. I quietly whistled, and her ears perked up and she looked in my direction.

“Ruby! C’mere, girl!” I whispered, and just as I thought she was about to come out, the one feeding apples walked over to her, gave her one last treat and then closed her gate. But she struggled for a moment with the lock.

“Jim!” She called, walking away from her stall for a moment. “I’m havin’ a problem locking Miss Ruby’s cage!” Once she wasn’t in sight, I whistled loudly, and Ruby ran right into the door, pushing it open. “HEY! RUBY!” She galloped over to me, and as she went past me, I swiftly pulled myself onto her back. She still had her saddle on, so I was able to get settled pretty quickly.

I rode off with her towards the gates, and I pulled out my Sheikah Slate and used magnesis to open them so we could get through. She dashed across the bridge towards the castletown, and we sped up a bit so I wouldn’t be noticed by anyone I knew. 

We turned a corner that I knew would get us to Hyrule Field faster, and we passed by Bertram’s house just up the street from the café. What I hadn’t noticed was Garian sitting out by his father’s anvil, examining some of the swors he had left out. It was already too late to turn around by the time I noticed, so I just had her go faster in hopes he wouldn’t see us or wouldn’t care.

“Hm?” He glanced at me as we rode by, and I bit my lip as I hoped he wouldn’t be able to tell it was me. “Idalia?” Shoot. “Idalia! Where are you going?” I kept on going, and I heard him whistle loudly – a noise that was followed by the neighing of another horse. I glanced back and saw him mount his steed before hurrying after me. 

I had to force Ruby to make a quick turn down a street to our left and then another one down right, making an attempt to lose Garian. But, he followed suit and got even a bit closer to me. I kept making random turns to try and get him off my tail while thinking of some better ways, and as we passed a certain area, I heard him whistle again. Some guards standing around by the bakery noticed us, and they hopped on their horses and followed Garian.

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