Chapter 52: A New Strategy

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"We're going to war with the Yiga Clan."

My mother laid out a large map of the Gerudo and Wasteland regions on the large table between all of us, and my father placed a box filled with plotting pieces down in the center. He began to take them out, and just set them around their box.

"War?" Paya repeated, watching as my mother spilled some tiny troop pieces onto the left side of the table closer to the hideout's location. "What brought this on?"

"Link and I were up early this morning discussing our next step, and while I initially thought our best plan would be to prioritize defeating Elric, my mind changed when I saw this." She lifted up a small scroll, with visible marks of residue from red wax that must've sealed it. "He says he found it after the battle at Fort Hateno." She handed it to my father, who unrolled it and began reading.

"Dear Captain U, we have decided to go through with Plan E. Based on Elric's most recent prediction, the targets will arrive at the castle to find him at dawn in three days, and we will be there waiting for them. And before the end of the day, we will successfully take the lives of the king and the Elemental Scroll Wielder, and Elric will capture the queen and princess. Send your best warriors, and make sure Subject I stays at the hideout. Sooga."

"They sure use a lot of letters." Azu remarked as my father rolled the letter back up and handed it to Impa, who took it and read over it again with Paya leaning over her shoulder.

"Before we start," Garian spoke as he raised his hand slightly to get my father's attention, and he looked in the captain's direction. "Pardon me, Link, but don't you think these three are a bit, you know, young to be a part of this?" He gestured to where I was standing with Azu and Ellet, and I rolled my eyes.

"No. I do not." My father answered, and then he continued to set out the plotting pieces onto the map. He noticed Garian went to speak again, so he stopped him. "Listen, Garian, just because your son couldn't handle something like this doesn't these three can't."

"I never said they couldn't handle it, I just don't see how having them here is going to make a difference if they're just going to be staying with the guard to defend the outskirts of the castle." My father snorted out a laugh, but he was quick to stifle it when he realized Garian was serious.

"Oh, you weren't kidding." Garian held his stern expression, and my father bit his lip for a moment. "Well, these three are here not only because they're our kids," He pointed between him, my mother and Paya. "But also because they'll be fighting on the frontlines with me."

"These three?" The look Garian recieved after he spoke, by not just my father but now the champions as well, was enough to make him shrink under their glares. "Aren't you concerned for the princess's safety?"

"Garian, let me remind you that my daughter has tied you hand and foot to the ground, and you still doubt her strength?" My father raised his eyebrow, and Ellet grinned and nudged my arm as I chuckled softly.

"And I don't mean to be disrespectful, but who even are these two to be here?" He looked to Azu and Ellet, and my father sighed and didn't even answer. Azu raised his hand up, slowly forming water chains around the captain, and then when he quickly closed his hand, the water turned to ice. "Hey!"

"Who are you to be taking precious time away from an urgent royal meeting?" Azu asked, still holding the poor man in chains. "I'm the Elemental Scroll Wielder. Nice to meet you."

He released Garian and retracted his arm back to his side, and Ellet grabbed the hilt of the claymore on his back and pulled his half out its scabbard; just enough for Garian to see the blade and the royal carvings drawn upon it.

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