Chapter 50: Life Changes

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We walked out of the room with Robbie and Purah behind us, but they turned to walk back down to the campsite while I led Idalia across the opposite side of the walkway.

"Link! Idalia!" Ellet and Azu called as they ran past Robbie and Purah and over to us, and they stopped just a few feet away. "Can we come with you?" Ellet seemed excited, but Azu looked less so as he pulled his hand away from his friend.

"That'd be nice, Ellet, but I think I want to have this time for the three of us." I told him, and he quickly nodded in agreement. "We'll see you boys when we get back."

"Yeah, Ellet, I actually wanted to do a bit of training with you anyway," Azu said as he pulled Ellet away, and the brunette grinned. I knew Azu was going to tell him, I just hoped the truth didn't get to everyone else before I did. "Let's go." He walked away with Ellet, and I began walking down the path with Idalia, preparing to tell her everything.

"So Idalia," I started as we reached the bottom step of the stairs leading off the wall and inside the castle, and we began walking up the path. She stood on the short curb along the stone and tried to balance on it, her happiness returning to her. "This is the first time I get to spend a bit of time with you, and I wanted to have a talk with you."

"About what?" She asked as I walked just alongside her, keeping my eyes focused on distant Hyrule but aside from that, all of my attention was on her.

"Well, it's mainly about life. And also the life you're going to have, growing up as the heir of the Hyrulean throne." I started, and she remained quiet and listened as we kept walking. "I've watched you grow from a baby who couldn't sit up unassisted to an incredible, courageous young woman who already takes on her burdens with strength. I'm so proud of you, Idalia, and I always have been."

She looked up at me, her bright smile reaching her eyes and I felt the first genuine smile I've had in days come to my lips.

"You're a leader, a role model, a warrior... I could go on all day about the things I admire about you." I wanted to find a way to easily steer this conversation in the direction I needed it to go. But that was difficult. "I know you're going to be a wonderful queen when you're time comes."

"What about my powers? And my own children, what if they don't carry it?" She asked, and I raised my hand up.

"We'll worry about that when that time comes." I told her. She released her breath and nodded slowly, and I knew she had been worried about it. I didn't want her to be, even when I was. "But what I'm trying to say, is I think you're so strong for your age, Idalia. Even stronger than I was."

"I hope I can become as strong as you are now, dad." She hopped off the curb as it ended, and continued to walk alongside me as the hill got higher. I smiled and rustled her hair.

"You'll be even stronger." I said, and she giggled and brushed her hair back with her hand. I felt my smile leave me though as I took a deep breath and went on. "Even with strength like yours and mine, there are some things in life strong enough to break it."

"I've yet to see something break your strength." She said, and I sighed and shook my head.

"My strength has been broken before, Idalia. And there is a reason you've never seen it."

"And what are those reasons?" She tilted her head, urging me to continue.

"Well, I couldn't get into my weaknesses before my time in the Shrine of Resurrection. So let's just start at my first breaking point. The day _____ died." She went quiet and looked out at the Great Plateau, where the shrine rested with its two monks. "I'll never stop missing her, but I healed. It took a long time, though. Especially since when it happened, my strength was still fragile, as were my memories."

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