Chapter 68: Malice Heart | Pt 2

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We all watched Elric closely as he explored his new power, testing out his malice arms with a devious smile. My mother and father grew uneasy as he grew in strength, and Azu and Ellet stood close behind me as I glared at the man. I began to hold out my hand, feeling the power begin to come to me again.

"I'm going to go end this mess." I started to walk towards Elric, but my father grabbed my arm and stopped me.

"Don't provoke him yet. We need to come up with an attack plan, or this isn't going to end well." He said, and my mother agreed with him. Azu was already standing beside me, the elements surrounding his hands and arms, and we both sighed and let our abilities fade away. "He just won't quit."

"So we have to make him." Ellet pounded his fist into his hand, and my father suddenly looked worried. "ELRIC!"

Elric looked up at him, unamused by the boy's interruption of his moment examining his new form, and he grunted as he started to walk closer to us, goop dripping down his arms. But no matter how much he lost, it seemed to be replenished by Ganon's power.

"How does it feel to be made of disgusting goop?" He yelled, and Azu snorted while I had to stifle back laughter, but my parents didn't seem too amused with his sudden choice to insult our enemy. "What do you suppose you're going to do now that you're slime?"

"Hm." Elric looked back at his hands, and then at the hylian boy that stood against him. "I think I'm going to make you slime, too." He threw his arm out, and the malice shot out and towards Ellet. Azu quickly pounced and pushed him over, and he formed a circle of the elements in front of him.

My triforce broke through the core of the circle, and it absorbed the majority of the malice shot from Elric, while Azu's shield blocked the rest of it. When Elric saw he was wasting his power on nothing, he stopped, and Azu shot the circle he created forward and towards him. It surrounded Elric in a spiral, and it sucked all air away from him so he couldn't breathe.

Azu and I both smiled when we heard he started to struggle, but then a purple vapor began to come from his malice body and provided air for him.

"Dangit. He has his own air." Azu huffed as he felt the vapor within his spiral, so he used the spiral to instead throw Elric against the piece of wall that was still standing behind him, and then he moved away from Ellet and we helped him off the ground. "Sorry for shoving you over."

"I should thank you, you saved me." Ellet smiled, and Azu did too. We were hardly paying any attention to the prophet, but luckily for us, my parents were still keeping a very close eye on him and his movements.

Elric threw both of his arms straight towards us, and my father leaped in front of us to slice the continuous flow in half to break it, giving my mother a chance to empower herself to defend us. She formed a large golden shield, and it immediately destroyed all of the malice that came in contact with it. But Elric didn't let up, and he only tried harder to get the shield to break.

"What should we do?" I asked, and my father narrowed his eyes as he looked around, trying to think of a plan for us to weaken Elric enough to take him down. My mother focused all of her attention on keeping her shield up and strong, but she occasionally glanced over at my father while he thought.

"Idalia," He looked down at me, and my ears perked up as I listened to his next words. "I need you to use your power to try and weaken Ganon's malice. Azu and Ellet, you two do your best to keep Elric's attention off of her, and Zelda and I will try to wear him down. Once he's at his lowest point, I'll stab the wound in his chest with the Master Sword."

"Sounds like a plan." Ellet said, and Azu and I nodded and agreed. My mother started to strain as Elric's power only grew stronger, and she held her shield up for as long as she could until she felt my father's hand on her shoulder. He nodded to her, and she gathered all of her strength and pushed the shield out, not only knocking Elric back, but also covering him with more malice. "Come on!"

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