Chapter 28: Traveling Together | Pt 1

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"This place is really pretty," I smiled as Ellet and I walked through the wetlands together, and he agreed as he continued to study our map. "I know my dad is worried about us, but I think we'll be fine! Besides, it's only a short trip to Zora's Domain and then we'll be safe!"

"The path leading up to it isn't too far away, now. We should stop and sleep sooner than that though - it's getting darker and we're safer out here." He suggested, and I agreed to his idea. "I've always wanted to see all the wonders that rest in Hyrule. What a dream, huh? Furthest I've ever gone away from Hateno was to Lurelin." He snorted, but I smiled.

"Hey, maybe when we're over with all this Calamity stuff, we can explore Hyrule together!" I beamed, and he smiled too but chuckled.

"You're the princess of Hyrule. I'm sure you get to see it all the time."

"Well, not exactly," I shrugged as I rubbed the back of my neck, pushing my hair off my shoulder. "Anywhere I've seen, it was when I was with my mom and dad. I couldn't go anywhere without them, well, not until I turned seventeen. But even then I never got a chance to get out."

"Well, we're starting now. It may not be the most relaxing and peaceful trip, but we get to see what's beyond our homes." He lightly nudged my arm with his elbow, and we both laughed. "I wonder how my family's doing. I hope they aren't too worried about me."

"If they've seen the same strength come from you that I have, then I'm sure they know you're okay." I tried to reassure him, and he coyly grinned as he looked away from me and back to the trail ahead. "We can head back to them soon too, if you want. Maybe after we rescue Sidon and Vah Ruta."

"That'd be nice." We continued to walk, not a word said by either us for a short time, though it was a comfortable silence. As we reached Zauz Island, Ellet and I had to slay a couple of Lizalfoes, but then we found something interesting.

"It's a well," I hummed, examining the decaying stone circle. "With a chain and metal ball? What is this?" I thought as I walked over to it, and Ellet brought his fingers to his chin as he pondered. "Maybe this was like... a prison?"

"No, likely not. I've read about these islands, and I've not seen anything about a prison." He reached down to touch the ball. "Maybe it's an art form? Abstract sculpture?"

"What would it even mean?" I asked, and he walked back to the well to study it closer. "I mean, something like this would surely have a meaning, right?"

"A representation of a jail," He spoke quieter, running his palm gently across the hard surface of the bricks that formed the well. "And a prisoner who's been set free, but still carries the guilt of what they've done."

He saw the slight confusion in my expression, so he carefully lifted the metal ball and brought it to the well.

"See, this prisoner was once in jail for crimes they've committed, and-" As soon as he set the ball into the well, a small little tree boy appeared out of nowhere with dust and sparkles.

"Yahaha! You found me!"


"Ellet! Calm down, it's just a korok." I walked over to the well and saw Ellet had managed to startle the korok with his yell, and I stepped in front of him. "What are you doing all the way out here, little guy?"

"Playing hide and seek with Hestu!" He chirped, and then he held his tiny arms out with a little seed in them. "Give this back to him! For his maracas!" He set it into my hands, and I nodded and put it into a pocket in my bag.

"It's getting pretty late, Idalia. We should stop here and rest for the night, then we can head out early with some rest on our shoulders." He said, starting to walk away, and I hopped to follow him and find a spot to stay for the night.


"This is really good, Ellet." I said to him as I sipped at the hot soup in my spoon, blowing gently on it to cool it. It was only getting later, but we knew we also needed to eat so we had energy in the morning to travel again. "What kind is this one again?"

"Hearty radish!" He beamed, using the wooden ladle to poor some into his own plate. "I learned from my mother growing up. She is quite the soup maker. And actually, when this whole Calamity thing is over, I'll take you back to Hateno and have her make you some."

"I'd like that." I giggled, drinking more of the broth. He smiled up at me and stirred his soup to mix it and help it cool down.

"So, do you know anything about this trial that Azu's going through? Do you think he's finished yet?" Ellet asked, tilting his head slightly as he watched me eat a spoonful of the hearty soup.

"I don't. But my dad's right. Maz Koshia chose him for a reason. And besides, he is really strong. He's done some pretty amazing things, so I have no doubt he'll do great." I lifted the bowl to my lips, drinking as his eyes continued to look over me with a silent curiosity.

"How long have you and Azu been friends?" He leaned back against a tree, resting his hands and bowl on his lap.

"Since I can remember. Our mothers were friends before we were born, so we really grew up together. He's nearly two years older than me, but that never stopped us from being best friends."

"Have you two ever been... you know...?"

"What? Oh, you mean," I started laughing a bit, but then I waved my hand and shrugged. "I actually guess we've never thought about it. We've always been more like siblings. Besides, I was in a relationship for the last two years, and Azu's been more focused on his studies and training."


"We broke up a week or two before this whole mess even started. I won't get into detail about why, though."

"I'm sorry to hear that," He said softly. "You have so much going on at once and you handle it so well."

"I'm really trying to keep a brave face on for my dad. He feels awful enough about this whole thing, and with us being so worried about mom..." I looked down into the bowl, watching the leaves of the radish form a triangle before separating. "I just hope this will all be over soon."

"Well, your dad isn't around now." Ellet said, and my eyes bounced up to meet his. "You don't have to keep up a brave face for me, if you don't want to." My ears turned down a bit as the look in his eyes softened, and I cleared my throat and straightened myself.

"I'm... also doing it for myself. Letting myself be sad and angry isn't going to help me in this situation." I drank the last of my soup and set the bowl down, but once the heat was away from my hands, I realized just how chilly I was outside.

"I have a blanket, but you'll have to come over here. I'm cold too." I moved over to where he was and sat next to him as he pulled out the blanket, and he pulled it over both of us. I scooted closer to him so I could get more of the blanket. "Better?"

"Yes," I breathed quietly, pulling the edge of it closer to me. "I'm also... really tired..." I let a yawn escape my mouth, and Ellet chuckled and leaned his head back against the tree.

"You know, I could move if you want to lean against the tree." He began to get up but stopped when I shook my head.

"No, it's fine," I curled my legs up and let my head fall onto his shoulder, my cheek pressed into his arm. "I like my spot." I glanced up at him to see the red dusting his cheeks along with his ears turned down, and I giggled. He smiled and pulled the blanket closer to himself, and I felt myself begin to drift into a dreaming state, and the world around me faded into deep sleep.


Yahaha, you've reached the end of the chapter! And yahaha, if you're reading this, the next part is probably already out!

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