Chapter 44: Air and Lightning; Stormblight Ganon

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“Azu!” I called as my father and I were lifted up by the updraft, remaining at the top holding our paragliders tight as we watched Azu fly around to find a way to hold Vah Medoh’s divine power at bay while we fought to save Teba. “Have you found an entrance yet?” I asked, and he shook his head and froze in the air.

“I can’t sense the power source,” He called back. “I need to find it so I can hold down Vah Medoh for you guys.” He sighed and continued searching, but eventually I saw something glowing at the belly of the beast. 

“Try the bottom!” I told him, and he flew down and tried to control the power there, which he was fortunately able to do. “Great! Come on, guys!” I soared down to the top of Medoh with my father and Urbosa behind me, and we knew we’d be there in no time. 

“Master Revali!” Teba called out, flying over Stormblight to avoid his shock and wind attacks. “Now’s your chance!” Revali flew up and prepared to fire his bomb arrows, but when he did, they were all blown away by the spiral wind sent out by the phantom. 

“No!” Revali gasped, but he took notice of Teba growing weaker as he flew back towards Stormblight, so he dove down and redirected the Champion to get him out of the way. “How are you holding up?” 

“I’m afraid I... hm?” Both ritos glanced over when they heard footsteps against the wet pavement rushing to their aid, and Teba smiled when he saw the three of us. Revali and Urbosa nodded to each other and then turned back to the beast. “I’m just fine, Master Revali.” 

“Let’s take care of this thing.” Revali flew up into the air, and Teba soared to the opposite side of the small battlefield we had to give himself time to come up with an attack strategy before he came back around. Urbosa snapped her fingers, and a bolt of lightning shot down towards Stormblight. But he held up his cannon and allowed it to absorb the shock. 

“My power is useless against it.” She sighed, but quickly pulled her sword from her back and dashed towards it to attack. It was about to try and push her away, but the hissing of bomb arrows peeled its attention away from her, and it looked up to see Revali aiming more of them in its direction. It readied its cannon, but Urbosa sliced off its arm and caused the heavy ancient weapon to fall to the floor and shoot out anyways. 

I pushed my father out of the way before the blast could hit him, and we both slipped on the wet ground and fell. But he quickly pulled me up and ran to where Teba was also headed, and quickly lifted me up and hoisted me onto the Rito champion’s back so I could go with him to reach higher ground. 

He rejoined Urbosa as she ran away from the powerful blue shots that rained down from its other cannon. Teba flew me above the blast rain, and he signaled something to Revali as he flew by him, and the blue rito nodded and dove straight down. 

He managed to slip between blasts and landed on the blight’s face, stabbing his feet into the ancient stone to distract it from its attack. In a startled reaction, it sent tornados out in all directions, but Urbosa snapped and eliminated the three closest to her and my father with lightning. My father ran towards it with his blade aimed in its direction, and it shot out a blast at him. 

He leaped up and let the small explosion launch him higher, and he stabbed his sword into its chest. Revali and Teba used the opportunity of it being distracted to shoot more bomb arrows towards it. All six of them hit, and it forced Stormblight to the floor. Teba flipped me off his back, and I fell down to land on Stormblight. But just as I was about to stab its eye, it raised its remaining cannon and whacked me out of the sky. 

Revali caught me mid-air and flew me back to my father, and then he went back up to find Teba in the storm that was beginning to form right above us. Dark clouds of Stormblight’s power formed above us, and claps of thunder emitted from them; as well as bolts of blue and gold lightning shooting down to shock the ground around the beast. 

With his defenses now up, we had no way to really get to him at this point. But something golden began to shine through his malice body, I could see that even with the storm that protected him. And then lightning shocked through his body and hardly let up for a good minute. It must have been Azu’s work. 

“Revali!” Urbosa called out, and the bird flew back down to us with Teba close behind. Explosions of bomb arrows flashed through the storm above, and the lightning strikes came to a stop while the thundering grew quieter. Stormblight growled as it rose from the ground, its red eye now back on us. It reformed its lightning cannon and shot three blasts of lightning straight into the air, and we all watched as they disappeared into the sky. 

“Everyone run!” Urbosa yelled, and then she rushed out to the center of the Divine Beast and raised her sword to collect a bolt of lightning that fell down. Then she rushed to the right side to get another, and then finally to the left side. Once she had all three, she rushed back in towards the blight and leaped up, just high enough to stab it in the back and pierce her scimitar all the way through. 

It shrieked out and sent blasts aimlessly in all directions, which Revali and Teba managed to avoid in the air. Teba shot arrows of all kinds at the blight, anything to lower its health and keep it down while Revali prepared his strike. The blue rito flew as high as he could into the air and aimed his attack perfectly so it would hit the blight in the eye, and once Teba had managed to get Stormblight to look straight up, Revali fired, finally managing to get his arrow to hit where he wanted. 

And that was the end of Stormblight. 

“Link! Idalia!” Teba flew down to us and landed beside my dad, panting as he gave us a small smile and rested his wings on his knees. Revali landed near us as well and put his bow on his back again, and with no words he and Urbosa exchanged looks with each other. 

“We’re glad we made it on time, Teba.” My father smiled as I hugged the rito, and he wrapped his wings around me and hugged back. He glanced at Revali, who, while relieved with the defeat of Stormblight, also seemed shaken and a little out of place. “Hello, Revali.” The rito only bowed his head to my father, and Urbosa sighed as she shook her head to my father. But she smiled when she looked back at Teba and I. 

“I wish I knew how we could have...” Revali was about to go on, but a small beeping sound interrupted him and something nudged at his feet. We all looked down to see that same little robot from earlier, and I gasped and kneeled to its level. 

“It’s you.” I reached out to touch it, and when it didn’t run away, I gently placed my hand on its head. “You must be responsible for helping us all this time, huh?” I smiled, and my father leaned over to examine it a bit as well. “Maybe this little one is the explanation to the time traveling and stuff.” 

The champions considered my idea. But the entire situation really begged the question: How could something so small be capable of something so supernatural and powerful?


Yay, done with Air and Lightning! (And woohoo, got a chapter done in a predicted time period for once! 😋)

Good night, readers :3 I shall return shortly with something that has not been mentioned for a while...

... extra spicy spice >:3

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