Chapter 33: A Knight's Path

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I slipped my dark brown boots onto my feet and tightened the buckles on them before rummaging through my bag to find my pair of gloves. As I was searching, I heard a quiet groan come from Ellet, and when I looked out the window, I saw that the sun was starting to rise. So, we’d be leaving soon after these two got up. 

“Idalia?” Ellet whispered, and I glanced back at him; his face and a few strands of chocolate brown hair were the only things visible to me with his sleeping bag still zipped up all the way. “Are you guys leaving?” 

“Not yet. We wouldn’t leave without you two.” I found my gloves and pulled them onto my hands, the ends reaching just an inch or two past my wrists. “Dad and I are preparing the army for departure, so while we’re doing that, the two of you can get up and get ready to go.” I grabbed my scabbard, my sword sheathed inside, and I slid it over my back and headed out of the inn. 

I walked to the flight of stairs that led up to the throne room and began going up, but not even halfway up I heard Zari’s sobbing, and Dorephan was quietly trying to comfort her. 

“It’s not fair!” I heard her cry out, and I stopped just a few steps behind where my father was standing at the entrance. “Sidon didn’t do anything to deserve this, and now he’s trapped inside Vah Ruta wiith one of Ganon’s monsters! He could get hurt or even possibly killed in there!” Her words caused a lump to form in Dorephan’s throat and tears pricked the corners of his eyes, but the purple zora quickly noticed and apologized. “D-Dorephan, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to speak out like that, I-”

“It’s alright, Zari. You have every right to be upset.” The king raised his hand up to her, and she held her hands together and looked down at her feet. “We’re all worried about Sidon. And I trust we’ll be able to rescue him if we execute our plan properly.” His eyes went from Zari to my father, and then to me. “What do you think, Idalia?” My father and Zari both quickly turned their heads to me, not realizing I had been here for a good few seconds. 

“I think we can do this.” I answered as I stepped forward to be by my father’s side. “The Champions are thte strongest warriors in Hyrule, and Ganon’s only growing weaker. If we can get in there fast enough...” I looked up to my father, and he smiled and gave me a firm nod. 

“Idalia’s right. We can’t lose hope so fast, especially on those four.” He placed his hand on my head, and Dorephan smiled at our faith and agreed with us. Then we heard metal clanking together, so we looked back at Zari, who was putting on the rest of her armor. 

“I’m going with you guys. I want to make sure my Sidon is okay.” She set her helmet on her head, and then picked her sword up from its spot leaning against her seat. 

“Alright. Idalia, have the boys gotten up yet?” My father asked, but as I opened my mouth to answer him, we heard two loud yells come from behind. 

“We’re ready!” We looked down at the bottom of the stairs to see Ellet and Azu standing there – Ellet in his regular traveling clothes, and Azu not even out of his sleeping bag. I wanted to question how he even got over here from the inn, but I only shook my head with a smile before hopping down the stairs to where they were. 

“We’ll be back in a few minutes, dad. Come on, guys.” I headed back towards the inn, and Ellet started walking after me while Azu started hopping. He tripped and fell after a few hops, so Ellet stopped to lift him up off the ground so he could carry him back to the inn. 

“Oh my gosh, prince charming came to save me!” Azu gasped as Ellet began heading after me, and I glanced back and giggled at the sight. “Though, I don’t believe I’m the princess you’re supposed to be saving.” He coughed as he tilted his head in my direction, and a blush quickly dusted Ellet’s cheeks. 

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