Chapter 15: Confrontation

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"I need to talk to you guys. I... I know about the Calamity, and the Triforce, and I went to speak with the Champions. They told me all about your lie, and the Yiga Clan, and the Battle of Karusa Valley." I managed to say, my hands shaking as I held them together. I finally raised my head after a moment to see the painted smiles on my parent's faces, something I feared I'd have seen for the last time.

I sighed and looked again over the large portrait of the three of us, the most recent one. Just a few months ago, I was completely oblivious to everything I knew now. And now I didn't know what to do with the information except feel betrayed and upset.

"I really hope we can move past this. I'm angry, and I'm sure you guys will be too." I stood up from my bed and walked to the end of it, looking out the glass doors of my balcony. I strolled over to them and pushed them open, taking slow steps to the railing.

I looked out across the field at the Sacred Ground Memorial, which was no longer glowing as I had removed the bracelets before I left. And besides, it was morning. It only glowed like that at night.

I heard some commotion below, and I felt my stomach flip as I thought it might have been my parents. But when I took a good look, I realized it was just some guards from their mission to Dueling Peaks. So I had a bit more time. But how much time?

I then remembered something, a little habit my mother had. Anytime she and father had to make any trips, she would write down the stops they had to make and leave it in her room in case either I or someone like Reeves would need to know where she was.

I quickly hurried down the hall to my parent's bedroom and was very happy to find the door was left unlocked. So I pushed it open and began to search for the note.

"Hmm. If I were mother, where would I leave a note?" After enough searching, I found it hidden under a vase on her dresser, only the corner of the paper visible to me. "Aha," I lifted it up and began reading the details. "Head to the Akkala Ancient Lab... then to Korok Forest... then to Gerudo Town!"

Since Gerudo Town was their final stop, I decided I best meet them out there. Even if they hadn't arrived yet, I'd just wait for them with Riju and Menora.

I grabbed my bag again and snuck down the hall, hoping I could manage to get Ruby again the same way I had. But I didn't get to finish constructing another plan before an arrow came flying by my face, barely missing me before hitting the wall to my right, right next to the window.

"Don't move." Shoot. That was Garian's voice. I turned my head slowly to see him perched on a chair in the dark room to my left, setting his crossbow down next to him. "Idalia Hyrule, you are under arrest." He walked over to my and grabbed my wrist, snapping a hand cuff on it, but as he reached for my other, I yanked it away.

"What? Why? You can't arrest me, I'm the princess of Hyrule!" I hissed, trying to pull my arm away from him.

"You are under arrest for destruction of private property, escaping the castle by yourself and without parental permission, and stealing and lying." He tried to grab my other wrist but again, I pulled away. "And I will be adding resisting arrest to the list in a minute."

"What is the trouble here?" We both glanced up to see Reeve Serlon walking down the hall, and I let out a short breath of relief as I reached out for him.

"Reeves! Thank hylia you're here. Garian's trying to arrest me for all of this stuff I didn't do!" I exclaimed, and Reeve took one look at Garian before nodding to him. "Can you tell him to let me go?"

"Idalia, Garian spoke with me first and I gave him the A-okay to do this if you were to return." He explained, and my jaw dropped. "We will simply have you bound to your room with guard supervision until your parents get back from their trip, and then they can decide what to do about this."

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