Chapter 36: Water and Fire; Vah Rudania

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"Zari!" My father called out as we exited Vah Ruta, and Zari and Ellet both turned around to see the other three of us walk out behind him. A bright smile appeared on Zari's face and she rushed up the slope to Sidon.

"Sidon! You're alright!" She exclaimed, holding her arms out for him as he did the same.

"Darling!" He grinned and wrapped his arms around her once she was close enough and pulled her into a tight embrace; as tight as he could manage with the aching in his arms. But he ignored all of his pain once he saw her. "I hope I didn't worry you and father too much."

"Of course you did," She sighed, cupping his cheeks with her hands. He frowned slightly, but she tried to lighten him up again, "But it is alright now. We had faith you'd hold out, and everyone will be elated by your return." Sidon smiled again and kissed her head, but then glanced back at Mipha.

"Oh! Sister, I want to introduce you to Zari! My fiancée." He beamed, and the purple zora gasped a bit and quickly bowed to Mipha, an act which the princess was taken back by.

"It is an honor to meet you, Mipha." She voiced quietly, and Mipha chuckled and waved her hand about.

"And it's so nice to meet the one my brother's given his heart to," She smiled, looking between the couple. "I can tell you're a lovely zora, Zari."

I smiled at the happy reunions and introductions happening, but then I heard a noise come from above, so I looked up to see Azu leaping down.

"Azu!" I gasped as he fell and landed in a kneeled position near Ellet, and I rushed to his side to catch him when he fell over. "Azu, are you okay?"

"I'm... I'm alright, just a little... dizzy..." He held his head, and I smiled and hugged him tightly. Ellet chuckled a bit and we helped him to his feet before turning back to the rest of our team.

"So what's the plan now?" Ellet asked, and my father looked out at Vah Rudania and contemplated for a few moments.

"Zari, stay here with Sidon while he recovers his strength. Mipha, you and the kids will come with me to go rescue Yunobo and Vah Rudania." He pointed in the direction we had to head in, and we all agreed to his plan. "Alright. Let's go."

The five of us hurried up the path towards Vah Rudania, hoping that with enough luck, we'd get there in time to rescue Yunobo as well.

"There's a fire wizzrobe ahead!" Mipha exclaimed, and a grin appeared on Azu's face as he prepared an ice ball in his hand.

"I've got it!" He dashed ahead to where he heard the wizzrobes magic, and Mipha hurried after him, forming water in her hand. "Take that, wizzrobe!" He yelled as he shot his ice ball at it, continously blowing frost at it to keep it's fire down.

"Azu!" I called out, pulling out my sword as I ran towards them, but my father caught up with me and grabbed my hand, so he could pull me behind him to protect me from the moblin attacking us. "Dad!" He blocked the axe with his shield, pushed the moblin away and then ran over to stab it and defeat it.

"We have to keep going before more of them show up!" We continued heading up the hill where Mipha and Azu were battling with the Wizzrobe, and after a few good slashes of water, the thing was killed and done with.

"I see no enemies ahead!" Mipha called as she rushed ahead of us, smiling and giving us a thumbs up. We all gave it back to her as we rushed up to her, but just as she was ready to keep going, a large igneo rock stomped down next to her and startled her. "Forget my earlier statement."

"Mipha! Look out!" My father ran over to her and shoved her out of the way when the talus attacked, and they rolled a couple times before stopping. "Ellet! Idalia!"

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