Chapter 25: The Chosen One

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"Alright, so, I think we should ask around about the shrine." My father said as we strolled into the sacred town that was inhabited by hylian and sheikah monks. "They might be able to tell us how to find the 'chosen one'."

"Well, Ellet and I are gonna go find somewhere to get this thing cooked so," Azu started, holding the creature up. "We should split up and ask around. But we need a meeting place once we're done."

"How about the Temple of Time?" Ellet suggested, pointing up to the hill, and we all agreed to his idea. "Great. Come on, Azzy, let's find a place to get this fish cooked!"

"Right behind you, Ellie." Ellet and Azu stayed close together as they walked into the small town, and dad and I both scanned over the area before we looked back at each other.

"Welp, let's go ask around about this chosen one." My dad shrugged as he began walking down the path, and I quickly hopped to following him. "I'm sure there's a way we'll be able to find them out soon enough."

As we strolled through the small town of monks, I studied it closely. But, even as I was doing that, every chance I got I tried to look out at the castle. The chaos of a second Calamity was fully bubbled, and the rest of Hyrule appeared as if nothing was happening. Slightly more monster ridden than usual, but... calm.

I hoped more than anyone that we'd find this chosen one sooner rather than later. The faster we find the chosen one and save the sword, the faster we save the Champions, and the faster we can get my mother out of the castle and safe. I wasn't about to let her sacrifice herself for us.

Father didn't seem like he wanted for that either.

"Dad," I glanced up him, and he looked back down at me, hardly turning his head. "Do you think we'll be able to get mother out of there before anything bad happens to her? If we can find this chosen one fast enough?"

"I can only hope." He sighed, his eyes now managing to meet the sight of the castle through each narrow alley between the towers and cottages that we passed by. "She was very adamant on her wish to seal herself with Ganon for the next ten thousand years. I've tried for a little over a decade to sway her mind, but... I never could."

"What if she doesn't seal herself away with him? How do we know he'd be able to return in the next few millenia anyway?"

"He could return sooner. We will never be sure of how soon, but no matter the amount of time he takes to return, I would rather your mother be here with us fighting him time and time again. We could stay as a family. We have to."

At this point, I could only have hope that we'd be able to be a family again once this was all over. The last thing I wanted was to get there and find out we were too late. The thought of that happening was overwhelming to me. So, I decided to turn the conversation in a different direction.

"I always wondered, how long have you known mom?" I asked, and while a small smile came to his face, he pondered, but seemed to get stuck somewhere along his thoughts.

"Well, according to your mother, I knew her for only a year before the Calamity happened. But after everything was over, we fell in love, got married just two years later and then you were born." He rustled my hair and I giggled, pushing myself away from him. "Those years after the Calamity I think may have been my favorite from the twenty I remember now."

"What was your favorite day out of all of them?" I asked, and he brought his hand up and tapped his chin in thought.

"It's a toss up. The day I married Zelda was the most exciting day of our lives, but the day you were born was also incredibly special to us, of course. You're my daughter, Dali. You and your mother and the most important people in my life."

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