Chapter 32: Hope for the Champions

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“Here we are.” My father told us as we crossed the Great Zora Bridge, his eyes focused on the map of the Lanayru region displayed on the screen of the Sheikah Slate in his hands. “When we get in, I intend on speaking with King Dorephan privately, so the three of you may set up in the inn and rest.” 

“Can Ellet and I do some training? I want to learn some of his sword techniques, and he promised he’d teach me.” Azu asked, and Ellet agreed. 

“Yes, but I think it would be best if you got some rest first. We’ve been traveling constantly for the past few days, all of us. And you’re going to need energy when we head off to rescue Sidon and Yunobo.” He clicked something on the Sheikah Slate to shut it off, and then he reattached it to the buckle on his hip. 

“Your highness!” Up ahead, we could Bazz waiting at the stairs with two other guards at his side. We followed my father to greet him at the entrance, and he bowed to us. “King Dorephan has been awaiting your arrival. Please, come with me.” 

He led us up the stairs that went up to the second floor of the domain, and then up another flight that took us to King Dorephan’s chambers. I tried to catch a glance of my father’s face, and I could tell by the way his eyes were staring straight ahead, the way his breathing grew ragged, and how stiff he was; he was anxious. Anxious that everyone was sure it was too late. Anxious that he wouldn’t be able to prove them wrong. 

He just hoped he would be able to return to the domain with the Zora Champion by his side. 

“King Dorephan.” My father swallowed hard as he stepped into the throne room, quickly noticing Zari sat beside the large blue zora, clearly trying to calm herself down. “I apologize that it’s taken us so long to get here. We ran into a few... difficulties along the way.”

“It’s quite alright, Link.” The zora king spoke calmly, but I could tell he was really anything but that. His son’s fiancée was taking deep breaths, eyes moving between the four of us quickly. Both of them were worried about Sidon. But they displayed that worry in different ways. “We’re just glad that you’re here now, and alive at that. What of the queen?”

“Kids.” My father looked down at the three of us, signaling for us to be heading to the inn. We all nodded and then bowed to King Dorephan before we headed off downstairs so they could have their meeting in peace. 

“Alright, I have dibs on the green sleeping bag!” Ellet called as he pulled the sleeping bags out and laid them on the ground of the inn. He put the green one next to his bag, and then opened the bag more so he could get the other ones. He grabbed the dark blue one and set it down near his. “A royal blue, for the princess herself.” 

“Thank you.” I sat down on it and began rummaging through my bag, trying to find my canteen in the mess of things. Ellet sat down on his, our backs now facing each other, but I could tell he was looking back at me for a moment. 

“Here. The color of the element I use right now is the color of the sleeping bag I get.” Azu took a deep breath and clasped his hands together, closing his eyes before he shot out a gust of wind right towards Ellet and I. 

“Azu, I hate to break it to you, but... wind is colorless.” Ellet shrugged, and then he looked at the symbols on the scroll that was sticking out of Azu’s bag. “Oh, but if you meant the Rito Symbol, you can’t have green because I already called it!” Azu had a small smile on his face, but it fell after a few moments. 

“It means I don’t care what color I get. I’m not a color obsessed person like you are,” Azu huffed, and Ellet shrugged and handed him the yellow sleeping bag. “But I am curious, so, what color did you give me?” 

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