Its not Lava

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Heather stood looking out her window into the vast plains of Vilian, a place filled with all sorts of races, species and creatures, big and small.

An adventure was what she craved most of all but she was no warrior, no archer, no sorceress or witch, not that she wanted to be a witch, they're scourges of the dark forests and are always hunted.

So she was stuck on her little farm outside of Vern, a tiny booming town thanks to the discovery of diamonds in a mountain close by.

The vein ran deep into the Vern mountain and it was sheer luck a shepherd found one sticking out, now thanks to that the mountain is being hollowed out.

Heather was one of the miners, not strong in her arms as the men but it made an income, these days two things make good money, the king's Royal guard and a diamond miner, no one wanted to go in underneath a mountain because of fear it might collapse.

That and lava, diamonds are after all made from it, and one day a lucky strike to a rock will open up a lava pit to spill into the mine, it sounded like a horrible death.

She got her pickaxe up and left for the days work, each unearthed diamond earns you a silver, and Heather was the one who struggled the most.

Since she moved in here she only managed to get five, of which she bought her little farm out of town, and the rest of the time she struck nothing but dirt.

Today was the day, she was going to get a big one, yes, if the diamond was a certain size the price goes up to a gold coin, it was actually a ripoff but who cared?

Lighting her lantern she entered the mine early, the men were still on their way but she wanted a head start.

Finding a spot where her name was painted on a wooden sign she lifted the axe and started swinging.

Dedicated spots kept it fair, but she felt like they gave her an area that led out of the diamond vein, she has to find at least one more diamond then she could buy a different spot inside the mine... Life was cruel.

She struck and struck until her axe made a splash sound, Heather thought first thing lava and ducked, but the orange glowing ooze was not lava, although it was hard to tell inside this heat.

She leaned in inspecting it, held her hand over the substance and felt no extreme warmth, then she poked it with a finger, the slime got stuck to her finger and she withdrew, but it stretched.

Panicking she shook and shook but the slime didn't come off, she attempted to remove it with the other but that only made it stick to her other hand.

"Lemme go!" She shrieked pulling and twisting, but the more she struggled the more of this ooze came out and flowed over her hands.

She backed away trying distance, but that made it stretch awkwardly like a rubber band then snapped from the rock and hit her.

Heather now sank to stress, this sticky stuff were like cobwebs, it stuck and clung vengefully and not long she found herself breathless.

Sitting on her knees watching the glow of this stuff she realized it was moving, but awkwardly up, over her chest towards her face.

"No!" She yelled trying to scrape it away but to no avail.

It became a situation where she thought she'd drown in it, coming up her neck and reaching her mouth she clasped it shut, but that didn't stop this ooze from covering her mouth, then her nose.

She couldn't hold her breath any longer and gasped but the ooze made a bubble and as soon as she took a breath it slipped into her mouth.

Horrified she felt the warm liquid enter her throat but pass her lungs into her belly, it went a little quicker now but she begged it to hurry, she had no breath left.

She sat back feeling her belly fill up more and get warmer, more of the slime just entered without her consent until she felt so full it started to pain.

Before she felt like fainting the last bit enter and she gasped for air, but swallowed hard at the ooze now pushing her belly to abnormal proportions.

Heather sat back watching her belly bulged into her shirt, glowing orange red softly and squirming occasionally as the slime in there still moved around.

She was so full she felt stiff an it was uncomfortable to move, the mass in her stomach so much her ribs got pushed up, Heather felt she had no choice but to arch her spine back, unable at all to bend forward.

She reached one hand and brushed over her distended belly feeling its warmth, the ooze made churn noises and squirmed making her belly shake a little.

Heather had no clue what it could mean, she didn't feel sick at all so its not poison, the only drawback was her being uncomfortably full, to the brim actually, she never knew her belly could take this much content at all.

Somewhere behind her she heard the men enter and shifted to her hands and knees, getting up with her one hand under her belly she groaned as it did under the strain of her movement.

She still had to arch her back, standing awkwardly with that belly pushed out, what would the men think of this!? This glow in her belly would seem like witchcraft and evil, they would definitely hang or burn her!

"Heather!? You there!?" A man named Max called lifting his lantern.

Heather quickly turned her back on them and swung her axe to look inconspicuous "I'm here!"

"Early start hey?" He asked getting to his spot.

"I see... *hurp-!" She felt a belch build but held it in.

"You okay?" He asked holding his axe ready.

"Yeah I'm fine... Uh~" she couldn't help and slipped one making Max laugh.

"My my! That's ladylike" he said.

Heather realized that belch made it more comfortable down below, she felt her tummy was still largely distended but not as strained, and she could partially erect her back straight again.

"Yeah I'm fine, had a large breakfast this morning" she said and swung her axe again.

"Sounds nice" Max said and continued his mining.

As Heather hit the rock she glanced down occasionally, the ooze had more room to move, did it shrink or did her belly get used to the fullness?

Whatever it was she couldn't just leave now, if they see her out proportioned mid section glowing like this she'll be killed for being a witch for sure.

Her belly made a loud churn and she felt another belch rise, she brought it to her throat and breathed it out softly, now it felt normal again, completely, even if it was still ballooned into her shirt.

She decided to continue her mining until the men finished for the day, she still had that diamond in mind and now despite her six months pregnant belly she could still swing away with the dream of heaps of coin in her future.

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