Cease fire... Open fire

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"D-d-d... Dragon!?" Heather shrieked and her eyes instantly darted to the skies.

"Yes, I get a feeling we've been done in" Charka said.

"How so?"

"It makes sense why Olivia was so willing to get rid of this island, I mean if it has an old volcano on it then surely there will be more diamonds there than the worth of the one she took from us"


"Then, if this island is inhabited by a dragon, you'll have trouble building anything because they're very territorial, and... Yeah, we're stuck with a fire breathing neighbor for now"

Heather scanned the skies then the volcano, the island was large yes but not that large to hide a dragon.

"Where could it be?"

"My bet is it has a cave somewhere along that mountain"

"Should... What should we do?"

"Nothing we can do Heather, both of us are not strong enough to face a dragon, so the best thing to do is make peace with it"

"What? Like go give it some gifts or something?"

Charka laughed "No, just live with it, run every time it attacks or whatever"

"Run where!? We are on an island! Surrounded by water!"

"Well, then, I guess we just sneak around"

Heather groaned "Oh I've been taken for a fool"

"We both were, no point crying over rotten eggs, let's go explore"

"And run into the dragon?"

"We sneak around! In case you didn't realise you're rather small, just hide under a bush or something"

Heather took a step forward "Well, okay then, we have to start off somewhere"

"What are you thinking of?"

"If you said there's diamonds in that mountain I suggest we check it first"

"Good idea"

Keeping to trees and brush as much as possible Heather waded through the subtropical jungle, it was difficult to a degree but that didn't bother her, the more places to hide the better.

She thought if she could just wait out this dragon and somehow get Charka stronger, she can chase the dragon off, or kill it, but that sounds outlandish, what kind of strength does one need to kill a dragon?

At the foot of the mountain she realised it wasn't at all too big, steep yes, but not gigantic as some of the mountains in Vern.

Then at the foot another problem arose, there wasn't much scrub or trees, its open, the hiding place was none existent, so wanting to find an entry point where she can start digging meant she had to leave the safety of the jungle.

"Oh– I don't like this" she said.

"I think its best we stick to the jungle and walk around the mountain, see if we can't find that cave" Charka suggested.

"Then what?"

"If we know where it is, we know where to look when we hear a roar"

"Oh, that's promising news, yes that will definitely help, know where the roar comes from"

"Stop sulking and go, time's wasting"

Heather turned and started edging her way through the jungle keeping on the outskirts of the clearing.

She reached a spot where a large rock blocked her path and decided to go over it instead of going around, maybe even from there she could get a better view of the island.

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