Dark elf

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"Hey human" Charka said as Heather now walked for more than a few hours.


She suddenly took control over Heather's hand and smacked her own face making Heather flinch shrieking.

"What's the idea walking through a body of water like that!? It hurt a lot you know!?"

"What the Hell!? Why did you slap me now!? Why not slap me earlier when I ran through the river!?"

"Because you were on the run, I needed you to focus!"

"If it hurt you that much why not say something!?"

"I just told you, make sure you never get even marginally close to water again! What don't you understand behind the fact that I'm a fire entity, I don't like water!"

"That's not going to work! How will I bathe!? I need to keep clean you know!?"

"The fire will wash you! Your body is now at one with fire, any form of bacteria that lands on you gets burned up, you'll never have to bathe again!"

"Don't come with that crap! Fire makes ash, and ash is grey, leaves grey stains! I need to bathe!"

"Oh aren't you a wise girl? The fire will burn that stain away, fire is your soap, your food, even your shampoo!"

Heather lifted her foot, she's been walking without shoes on this whole time, and a layer of dirt was stuck to the bottom.

"Can you clean this then!?"

"Observe" Charka said and her foot set on fire.

Heather at first panicked kicking it into the dust but she soon realised it didn't hurt, then after the fire subsided she saw her foot was actually clean.

"Okay then... What about my hair? This will burn away and I need to wash it" Heather said but her hair suddenly spontaneously combusted and she screamed.

Like a heavy metal fan she windmilled her hair to make it swirl in circles but that didn't put out the fire.

Soon it subsided and she noticed a clear difference, her hair was shiny now, light to the touch and soft.

"Oh, okay wow this is much better" she said combing her fingers through it.

"As I said, fire is now your best tool, your best weapon, its all you are and all you'll ever need, the sooner you get your mindset into that, the better off you'll be"

She looked at her hands "Okay then, so... What's next?"

"I suggest you go somewhere no one can find you, you need to learn more about this ability, I'm not going to lie, you overused the fire at the blacksmith and you could have died"

Heather shriveled a little "Oh gosh"

It was then she heard a scream coming from somewhere in the forest, her head darted in its direction and she listened.

A bellowing roar accompanied it and it sounded like someone was under attack.

"Someone's in trouble!" Heather said running in that direction but her breasts bounced vigorously making her slow to hold them.

"Oh, yes go see, maybe someone will get killed now"

"No! Maybe I can help someone from dying!"

Charka scoffed "Where's the fun in that!?"

"Hey! You're a part of me now so no demon stuff! No violence and no killing"

"Why!? This is what I am!"

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