Its what I am...

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Good old fashioned sunlight, Heather forgot how nice tt felt just to bask in it for a while, not only is it soothing to her cooled down skin, but she could actually feel Charka's energy return, and so doing her energy as well.

"Feeling a little like Supergirl hey?" Charka asked with a snicker.


"Never mind, I feel alot better after this bask, we should get going, Katinka needs alot more than sunlight to save her"

Heather hopped into a trot and continued down the path, yes she felt a little warmer but now it was clear just how cold Katinka was.

"Tell me about supergirl?"

"You sure?"

"Yeah, she sounds interesting, just let it rip, I'll take it like a story you're telling me"

"Okay then, it is actually a story, super girl comes from the planet Krypton, a species of human like aliens who lost their planet after it exploded"

"Exploded!? An entire planet!?"


"Was it a bigger atom bomb!?"

"No, I don't remember it so well but supergirl's parents managed to save her by sending her to earth, here, in other words, but because the sun here is different from Krypton, Supergirl found she gained immense power from it"

"She gained power from the sun? No wonder you asked if I feel like supergirl?" Heather said and giggled.

"Yep! Stronger than a locomotive! Faster than a speeding bullet! Can jump tall buildings in a single bound! She could even fly! My goodness I kinda missed that show"

Heather was still in her trot over thinking the story then swallowed.

"Okay Featherbrain, let me have it?" Charka said.

"What's a locomotive? And what a bullet? You spoke about a bullet back when Abby blew up"

"A locomotive is a train... a form of transport... almost like a horse carriage"


"Now tie about twenty horse carriages together and have twenty horses pull it, that's how a train works, difference is it doesn't use horses, instead it's a steam engine, and it does use carriages much bigger and heavier, and it runs on tracks"

Heather bit her lip "Oh~"

"You poor soul"

"Where did you even see all these things?"

"Once upon a time when I was a young and reckless demoness, me and my sisters found a way to travel to other dimensions, similar to this one, earth has only humans but they are far more advanced than here"

"More advanced than the high elves?"

"Way more, the technology the humans has on earth will shock you, they don't use horses, they have cars, they don't use sailboats as much, instead they use ships and tankers, propelled by engines...

Oh and they have airplanes, similar to a fixed wing dragon its a means of transport kinda like a locomotive, but it can fly..."

"A flying train!?"

"Its called an Airplane! And it's different from a train trust me"


"I can't help feel sorry for your brain right now, its having a meltdown and I'm not even the reason... oh wait, I am the reason" Charka said and chuckled.

"Can you take me there some day?" Heather asked.

"Nope, not a chance, it was thanks to that little stunt Odin the all father got pissed and sent his Valkyrie after us"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2023 ⏰

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