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Heather walked with her fists clenched and constantly swallowed, her session with the water had its side effects after all, currently she felt like the flu grabbed her.

Burning tract and unsettled stomach along with a sore mouth made her decide that's the last time she'll ever drink water even if Charka pushes her buttons.

A bird passed her and she blinked up to it but that made Charka say "Hmm, some KFC maybe?"

"KFC?" Heather asked.

"You said no animals right?"

"Yes, no animals"

"Then ignore the bird, Oh! What about an Ogre!? You can go kick that in the balls!"

"An ogre!? But they're huge! And, well bad right? How will it be a heinous act if I kick some bad thing in the balls?"

"That depends on how hard you kick... Make sure they pop... You know?"

"Eew~ no! Never in my life! I doubt I can even lift my leg high enough to reach!" Heather protested with a shrill.

"You can just grow a little right? Make sure you look it eye to eye then let it rip!"

"Next please, I'm over the ogre idea"

Charka giggled "Okay then, a vampire then? I always wanted to kick a vampire in the balls, I wonder if he would actually feel it?"

Heather froze in her steps and went stiff "N... No, I have an unrivaled fear for vampires"

"What!? Why!?"

"I, don't know, I... Its the fangs! If they close their mouths, do they sometimes prick their own gums? And do vampires brush teeth? Can a vampire really compel you!? How does it even feel to have your blood sucked!? What happens when a vampire bites his own tongue!? Will he suck himself dry!?"

"Calm down already! It seems you have a small case of Sanguivoriphobia my dear"

"Sangui what!?

"Its a fear of vampires, you sure its not venustraphobia?" Charka said snickering.

"The fear of carnivorous plants!? No!"

"No, Venustraphobia is the fear of beautiful women (No jokes reader) and vampire women are very beautiful indeed"

Heather tried picturing someone running away from a woman like Olivia, it had to be darn strange "No, its just the fangs" she said with a sigh.

"Then that's perfect, I can't have you fear anything so we're off to find a vampire!"

"Oh why!?"

"Its that or you kick a puppy!"

"Okay I'll... I'll go find... where do we even find a vampire?"

"They're everywhere really, apart from werewolves, vampires actually fit in with humans rather easily, but I can spot one"


"I hear one, they don't have a heartbeat, and I can feel heat reradiate from people, and vampires don't have heat at all"

"Oh, that's easy it seems..." Heather said and worriedly started walking again.

"You can stop being afraid now, if a vampire tries to drink your blood its basically like him dinking the sun, your blood is poisonous to it"

"Oh!" Heather sighed loudly "Oh that's such a relief!"

"Dummy" Charka said.

Hesther chuckled picking up her pace "Dummy?"

"Yeah, you're a dummy"

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