Your body is my playground

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"P... Power?" Heather asked "Power to crush tables with my belly right?"

"No! As I said, I'm a part of you, your stomach is where I feed, but the rest of your body is also my playground"

"Your playground?"

Charka laughed softly "When was the last time you had a healthy orgasm my dear human?"

"What? Why does that matter!?" She felt her belly stir again and below its roundness the felt movement insider her.

Heather wasn't at all sure how this Charka was doing it but somehow she was in fact moving around, then to her astonishment she felt herself being sexually worked up.

"Wh... Wha..." She panted gasping, Heather grabbed the table with both hands and clenched as pleasure filled her blossom from somewhere, she didn't know how but she loved it and subconsciously motioned her hips along with the feeling.

"Madness..." She panted "How are you doing this?"

"I can do from here to you whatever you require, at the cost that it burns my energy"

Heather missed it and gasped moaning loudly as her orgasm built, she lift one hand and brushed over her belly seeping in this magic between her legs, then she blew over with ecstasy.

Weakened by that joyous feeling she leaned on her belly over the table making it churn and distend wide.

"Did you like it?" Charka asked.

"My goodness, you did all that?"

"Want to see more?"

"How much can you do to me?"

"Until my energy runs out, almost anything you can think of"

Heather panted and rose upright but still held her belly rested on the table.

"You said something about that, I missed it"

"I am in essence your stomach now, I feed nourishment to your body, of course I can move to your muscles to give you massive strength, but that burns my energy up as well and I'll get weaker.

If I get too weak I'll return to your stomach to feed off some source of fire"

"And every time you feed you'll grow this big?"

"Yes, I'm still rather small my dear human, as a demoness I was five times bigger than your average human, so this size here is still smallish"

"What!? Bigger!?"

"Relax you won't pop! Over time your body will get used to me, and nothing outlandish will be abnormal, you'll take on amazing forms one day"

Heather didn't quite understand her so she hung her head to keep catching her breath after that orgasm.

"You say there were nine of you?"

"Yes, and five goddesses, mother nature, her name was Gaia, the lady of the ocean Aquilia, the goddess of air Gail, the mistress of thunder Zahara, and lastly she who rules space, Celestia, I was destroyed by Gaia"

"Are you related to the other demons?"

"Yes, they're all my sisters"


"And they're all probably still trapped somewhere"

Heather frowned to her belly "Don't think of telling me to go find them, you are taking up enough space as is"

"I didn't say anything! Fuck my sisters, I found freedom even if its being a part of you, and they're the unlucky bitches still in oblivion, at least I'm not stuck in a rock anymore"

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