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"Ow! Ow–!" Heather complained as she waded through the jungle again, every branch, twig and stick poked her everywhere it mattered, and she was so tall her head cleared the trees, only her head, the rest below her chin was fair game to the onslaught of stabs.

She stopped to take a breather and rubbed the underside of her breasts.

"You poor thing" Charka said with a snicker.

"Oh~ they're so damn tender, and in the way!"

"Its not my fault you like big boobs"

"I'm going to have to make a path through here at some point, I can't wade through this jungle like some adventuring tomb raider every time I need to get to the mountain"

"You know you could always have headed to the beach first then take a comfortable stroll back to the docks right?"

Heather paused as she pushed a branch out of the way, realising it she groaned "Now you tell me, can't you shrink me down again?"

"Really? And waste all this good power you just freely got from a dragon? No no, were going to use it"

"For what?"

"To create our first minion"

Heather made it through to the dock again and gasped "Ow~ that last section poked me good" She said rubbing her hips.

"At least you got a poke from something hard for a change"

"Oh fuck you!"

Charka howled with laughter.

"So what's the minion thing?" She asked.

"Ah yes, another thing about the 'Open fire' state is that it is as its named, a full force war form, and on the day of its full power I can create an army of fire minions"

"What other 'states' do you have?"

"After this its the Demonfire state, then Hellfire"


"You can ignore those for now, its going to take a lot of dragon flamethrowers to get you there"

Heather sighed "Okay then, the minion?"

"Right because you over boosted your cease fire with five percent, one minion is all you can manage, but... You might not quite like how its made"

Heather shriveled "Don't tell me I have to give birth to it?"

"That's one way, but no, you have to allow some of my essence out of you in some way"

"But, won't it burn up?"

"Not if I focus the energy into making a minion, then it becomes its own entity and will survive in atmospheric oxygen"

Heather swallowed "Okay then, one way in, one way out right?"

"This will be good, you're actually going to puke it out?"

"I refuse to press something out down there!"

"You can always squat and..."


"Maybe through your ear..."


"Fine then, puke it out it is... Good luck..."

Heather didn't like the way she said that but suddenly her belly swole out into the robe making her groan holding it.

It wasn't large as she has experienced before but it was rather tight.

Squirming a little she clasped it with both hands, not really able to see it past her breasts and after a few more jiggles she felt something odd about it.

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