Who's the boss?

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"Stop screaming! You sound worse than a banshee!" Charka yelled as Heather still went up and up "What even made you think to jump!? Why did you jump!?"

"I remembered how I leapt the wall back in Vern so I used it" Heather peeped flapping her hands like wings.

"Okay listen and listen closely, I'm only going to explain this once! Your open fire form is different from that of the cease fire" Charka said and suddenly Heather got enveloped in flames.

The fire eased out to create a very sleek robe dress maroon of color and hugged her bombshell body tightly around every curve.

"What's this!?" Heather asked surprised.

"The fire cloak, in the basic battle form this cloak uses air as fuel, sucking it up to allow you burning power without actually needing out sourced fire for strength, as long as its on, you basically have endless fire supply"

"What!? That's so neat! Why didn't we do this earlier!?"

"Its because you're still weak, you're still weak Heather, this cloak I created using some of that massive amount of power you just gained, so you can't launch big attacks, only some about quarter strength"

Heather looked down and saw the Dragon spread its wings and take off towards her.

"Oh fuck! Here it comes!"

It opened its jaws but no fire came out, Heather realized it had a different plan this time.

"Fack its going to eat me!"

"Hold a hand back and swing! I'll launch the attack!"

Heather followed order and swung, the ball of fire that conjured was massive, taking the form of seemingly a giant jellyfish it roared down and struck the dragon with a devastating explosion, the dragon was actually smaller than the fireball itself.

Roaring it plummeted back to earth and crashed into the trees, the blast made such a violent shockwave Heather was blown higher into the sky shrieking.

"Calm it! Your screams are so annoying!"

"Now I'll fall further!" She yelled back.

"You're not falling anymore!"

Heather noticed she suddenly felt no air in her face, behind her she saw two large demon wings made of fire was spread and held her hanging on a crosswind.

"Oh~ where did those come from?"

"They're part of the cloak, see how they burn? Its important to understand they must keep burning to exist, as soon as you hit the water, out with the cloak, off with the wings, and not even your new goddess of a body will be able to handle that sudden end"

"S... Sudden end?"

"Instantly cooling this smouldering body down will make it blow Heather, even steel super heated will crack when you pour ice cold water on it"

"Okay, so its very basic, just stay away from anything cold right?"

"Good girl, now that dragon, I figured out something about it" Charka said and Heather looked down again.

It was angry clearly but remained grounded leering up to her "Okay?"

"Its still a youngling, maybe in its teen years, that's why it attacks so irrationally and also why its not that big"

"You mean it will grow bigger!?"

"Yes, but that takes time! I suggest we use its inexperience to our advantage"

"I'm listening"

"Swoop in and land in front of it, show no fear, and make sure you use that pretty... Annoying voice of yours to let out a battlecry to scare it"

"What!? We're going to try scare it!?"

"Yes! Just trust me and do it before it takes off a again!"

"Well, okay then"

Heather felt the wings work with her and beat them hard to dive down, as she approached she twisted, bloomed them open and landed with a thundering thud.

The dragon roared but Heather had her breath held, she let out the scream opening those wings along with her arms, and Charka ignited the cloak.

An aura of fire erupted around her that surged to the sky massively, the dragon shook and stepped back looking at this tornado of flames surrounding her.

Then holding her threatening pose she stopped the scream, Charka down tuned the fire aura and it levelled out aggressively burning around her.

(Fuck guys think of a Super Sayan, there's the idea)

The dragon edged back in submission and turned its head away, Heather remained in place allowing it to chose its own way, and it took off to fly to the back of the mountain.

"Good! Now we're the boss of this place, and he's only renting" Charka said with a chuckle.

"I can't believe it worked!" Heather said as the fire died around her, she looked at her breasts still well swollen into the cloak she now had on, and wondered why Charka made them that big.

"Couldn't you have edged more into the rest of my body? I can't even see where I'm walking"

"You idiot, it was the only other place I could store some more energy, in the current situation it wouldn't help if your belly was swollen that would have hindered your movement"

Heather lift an eyebrow and brushed at the one side of her huge bosom to make them sway slightly on her chest, above all else they were firm and full, but their size meant they had their own plans if she moved too much.

"And these don't hinder me?"

"Oh stop complaining! You just showed a dragon who's boss, now we can actually continue our plan in peace"

"Right, what's next?"

"Well, I know you might not like it, but considering that dragon was still a youngling, we will have to deal with him eventually, he's going to come challenge you sooner or later again, and for that, I suggest get one of my other sisters"

"Another demoness?"

"Yes, we leave the poor lizard in peace on this island and set off to find either Torna or Tectonica"


"Tectonica, the demoness of earth"

"What's with your names man!? Torna? Who's she!?"

"Torna is short for tornado, the demoness of air"

"Okay, so those two will help me how?"

"Torna is actually my favourite sister, the more air my fire gets the stronger it becomes, makes sense doesn't it?"

"Oh yeah"

"Then with Tectonica we can create lava together, both is a win win, it all just depends on what our next step will be"

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