Have some fun

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Heather stepped out of the dragon's lair and continued heading out of town, she spent some coin at the keeper though, hit herself a dragon leather carry bag and some dragon skin attire, boots and all.

There were all sorts of neat jackets made from it so she got woman's dragon leather tights and a jacket, the jacket though was just to have pockets, she couldn't close it around her belly.

"Say Charka, can't you spread yourself into my body a little? Just so I don't look like some slapstick bounty hunter that's overly pregnant?"

"I thought you liked the belly?" She asked giving a twitch which made Heather huff but giggle.

"Yes, I do kinda like it" she said stroking her taught filled skin again, it was perfectly rounded probably because of Charka's shape, some women that far pregnant would have her belly obtain an almost egg head shape, which was equally as beautiful but not what Heather's belly did.

She was set out sideways and her belly was more spherical, and she loved every angle of it.

"I must say smart to buy dragon leather" Charka said.

"How so? I only like the feel and look of it" she said.

Tanned out and worked Dragon leather wasn't that much different from normal ones.

"Because it used to be dragon skin its more likely to stand against fire, so yes its not stretchy, but a dragon can now fire away, the leather will survive"

"Awesome" Heather said.

"Say Heather, don't you feel like finding out how big you can get?"

"Didn't we find out when the dragon flamed me?"

"No that was a desperate disperse of power to prevent you from exploding, I meant your belly?"

Heather looked down to it now in the white cotton sitting in the opening of the jacket.

"A... Bigger belly?"


"At the blacksmith I was so big I could barely stand remember?"

"Yes, that was then, you came quite far after that, I think you can grow bigger"

"Until I'm immobile?"

"Yes! But you'll be so sexy"

"Okay what's up?" Heather asked poking her stomach.

"Nothing, why?"

"You suddenly want to see me fill a room? What's up?"

"To push your limits, remember how the dragon forced you into open fire?"


"Maybe you must keep doing it, keep pushing your boundaries to grow your power quicker"

"And if I blow?"

"You won't, that's why we start with your belly only, I'll keep filling you up until I feel your skin reached its limit, then I'll slowly part myself to other areas until every inch of you is filled to the brim"

"Ah! You're going to turn me into a sitting duck! What if that happens and an even bigger dragon finds me!?"

"Yes... You have a point, but I was just curios, I really want to see your belly pumped to the end stretches of its limit"

"M... Maybe one day when I'm in a safe place, not now" Heather said as she started leaving town into the forest.

"Aren't you afraid?" Charka asked.



"I give you permission to burn them... Get it?"

Charka chuckled "Yes, I get it, and I like the plan"

When darkness has properly set and Heather was well away from Vale she stopped to take a break, she bucked her back moaning when she stretched her strained muscles.

"You okay?" Charka asked.

"You know as much as I like this look by now, you're still very heavy" Heather said.

"Well we are safe for now, so lemme split some"

Heather felt her heart race as the sensation rushed her, from her belly the warmth spread to her breasts and they swole into the cotton vest, instantly her nipples stood erect pushing into the shirt as they expanded from her B cups into very perky and wholesome E's.

The shirt started to sound off its anguish hand Charka stopped their growth, now with her belly smaller Heather felt it easier to breathe again.

Then Charka flowed into her legs but only allowed the leather to fill up tightly, Heather's thickened hips pushed over the belt of the pants and there was where Charka left it.

The weight was now more distributed but Heather still felt heavy up front, obviously because of her rounded orbs sitting proudly high on her chest, but Charka flowed into Heather's back muscles an through that felt the strain of the heavy bosom subside.

"That's more like it!" She said feeling over her chest and belly, her middle not eight months anymore but instead about three or four, and with that her breasts and waist matched her plump figure better.

"Is it better now?" Charka asked.

"Indeed it is" Heather said with her boosted confidence and started walking again, her bouncing breasts had her chuckle and she couldn't help feel them, tipped her fingers over her nipped and they happily stood a little more out.

"God I'm glad I met you Charka"

"You only say that when I do these kinds of things"

"No, I really am, despite the massive reveal at the blacksmith, the nearly blowing with the dragon, so far its an adventure, and I always wanted to go on one"

"Then, glad I could help"

Heather took the jacket and tucked it in under her breasts, drew it tightly together and hooked one button in there, now her belly was marginally covered, and her breasts were pushed higher on her chest like she wore a bra.

"God I feel so sexy..." She said biting her lip.

"And I bet you look sexy, want some fun?" Charka asked and Heather squirmed feeling the tickle in her loins.

"No no, not here in the forest, I can't catch myself vulnerable at the moment"

"Oh, you're right" Charka said but as she walked Charka kept on teasing and Heather hopped at every touch.

"No~ Charka, not here~" she moaned when the feeling flamed for a few seconds and she had to stop to clench her legs.

"Fine fine, get to an Inn in the next town then... Lay down on a bed my dear Heather, and let me pleasure you into oblivion"

Heather felt herself flame up of lust and looked down the road, from what she remembered the next town down shouldn't be too far now.

So she hopped herself and started walking with pace, clasping her breasts with hands not arms, holding them tame whilst teasing herself as she walked, she was horny beyond her own reason and she wanted excitement.

Approaching the town Charka shifted to her belly again and she had to undo the button of her jacket, but Heather was drooling for sexual release and the sudden swell of her belly made her stop to awe at it pushing out and shift her shirt up again.

"God I want it so bad..." She said brushing over it and walked in.

She found a shop still open and bought herself two boxes of matches, a can of lamp oil and a box of candles, then headed to the nearest Inn, paid the keeper and couldn't get to the room fast enough.

She closed the door and locked it, turned to the interior where a single oil lamp lit the room.

"Now, we can have some fun" Heather said unable to contain her lust.

She set the first candle in a holder and lit it up, undressed out of the leathers but held her shirt on, luckily she was smart enough to bring three spare vests, because she was planning on outgrowing this one.

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