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Dear reader, So if you came till here thinking you've read a porno, please be advised that's not my plan for it at all.

A porn gives you the satisfactory of ending up with a sex scene as where a fetish doesn't, it merely sparks your fantasies to allow you to do the rest.

Accidental power is a fetish focused novel with a plot, and here's the definition:

A fetish is a sexual attraction to or erotic fixation on an object or body part, one that is not usually sexual.
A person can have a fetish for feet, breasts, clothing, animals, high heels, latex, leather, skin color, anime, or just about anything else.

With porn, a fetish is usually a strong attraction or preference for a very particular genre or porn or sexual act (e.g., superhero or stepsister porn)

So, I would like to make it clear, I'm not going to turn this into a porn, its to spark your mind to do the rest.

Reason why I entered this A/N is because I'm about to insert my first 'Sexual' scene, its going to be between two women so its more a foreplay scene than anything else.

How I like to portray the human body:

I've read Erotica's and porn before and it doesn't always graft with me, some words are too graphic.

So here I'll do the same, no words like; Dick, penis, cunt, pussy, genitals or vagina will be used.

I merely had Charka say "Heather you have a vagina" because she wanted to make her understand she's a woman, and of course Charka is a demon, if something pops out of my head for her to say, I'm gonna make her say it.

So instead I use the following words to soften up my scenes and allow you as the reader to use your imagination and fill in the blanks, create your own picture of it;

Words like Fucking and Sex will mostly be replaced by Passionate link, or warmth of the embrace, romantic insertion or warmed up romance.

'Her' special body part will use words like; Flower, blossom, loins, veevee for the less serious scenes, mound and maybe her sex...

Toosh, tootsy, bum, butt, buttocks, hindquarters, boobs, breasts and bosom, I don't like the word tits too much as it instantly also leans to graphic, then turns it to a porn.

I merely used the word 'tits' in an earlier scene to portray the drunken old man you usually find in a bar who doesn't have any regard for the words he says.

I'm not going to add a lot of male anatomy here as its not my thing to write about his 'rod' so expect more womanly things than actual male to female intercourse.

Last time, this is a fetish, in the next chapter I'll write in my style and amp it to 11, so you can see what I can write about, and how deep I can take it without trying to make it pornographic, then from there on you be the judge, I of course won't do it again, or less often, or not as deep.

Unless its requested of course... Like I said earlier, no judging of any individual allowed, this is to the freedom of being a reader and using your imagination.


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