Give an atom bomb to a child

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When Heather opened her eyes the next morning she felt a new energy about her, well rested and full of life.

She looked down expecting her wildly out proportioned assets but instead found herself rather normal.

She sat up scratching her head, firm D cups sat cheerfully on her chest and her tummy was flat, hips wide and judging herself quickly noticed she might be a bit taller, slightly.

"Good morning" Charka said as she rose to her feet.

"Oh, hey Charka, uhm– what happened to the fun time results?" She asked inspecting herself in that small mirror.

"Oh, so you wanted to be seen with outlandishly large breasts and a belly so big you couldn't even lift it?"

"Well, no but, I passed out last night, I barely had time to admire them"

"You can do it again sometime, its not like I'm going anywhere"

"Yeah, you're right" Heather said smiling and dug out a new shirt from her bag.

"We need to talk..." Charka said making her pause with the leathers in hand.

"Okay? That sounded serious?"

"It is, as we have spoken before Heather you saved me from a rocky jail, and I'm grateful, but now I'm stuck with you..."

"Okay geez, I'm sorry if everything isn't the way you want it"

"No it isn't, and all you do is misuse me for your weird but oddly sexy fantasies"

Heather tied the belt around her waist and frowned "Gosh Charka I didn't know you weren't into that? I'm sorry"

"No that's not it, what I want from you is a little more attention to my needs"

"So... The overly feeding of fire until I can't even walk?"

"That's just food... You know dogs like to eat but they also want to play right?"

"Yes? So you playing with my flower isn't good enough?"

"Who's scoring out of that deal Heather? Who's the one moaning of pleasure every time? Me or you?"

"Uh... Me?"

"Right, now I'm asking you, we are stuck with each other, so please consider me not as a damn parasite anymore, but see me as someone, a person, I have needs and I want them for filled"

"Then, why didn't you say something earlier?" Heather said "I consider you my friend Charka? Remember?"

"Y... Yes, but I want more than just your friendship"

Heather blushed "You, want to do something like me and Olivia did?"

"That's not possible! Obviously!"

"Okay then get to the point!"

"Firstly look at yourself in the mirror quick, closely..."

She went over and finally taking her eyes off her bosom noticed her hair was a different color, yes still the odd charcoal black but it had a very distinct red shine to it.

Heather tossed her hair a little and realized even her eyebrows are red along with that gunmetal greyish tint.

"My blonde is gone..."

"Its becoming the same as mine, I had a very flash red dash of long sleek hair, you could see me for miles, heck cars would stop when they saw me"


"Ignore that, what I'm getting down to is we are now one entity, in other words we need to share who we are with each other, and I'm talking about the heart"

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