Black diamond

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Dressed in a comfortable cotton dress that sat stretched around Heather's new curves she had the axe over her shoulder heading for the mines.

She couldn't help cup one of her plump breasts as she walked and felt it bounce to the rhythm of her steps, it was so much better, her previous cups barely felt like they were there, Heather never even bothered buying bra's, not that she had the money to anyway.

Passing through a stretch if forest leading to the mines she sheepishly looked around listening to all the spooky noises, it was dangerous out at night, Ghouls, Orcs, Night elves and worst if all witches roam here looking for their next meal.

Yes, Heather had heard witches eat people, eat makes it worse they treat you like lobster and Cook you alive.
Heather was plumped up with new curves but she definitely wasn't a pig and didn't want to become someone's Bacon.

Her form wasn't on the fat side yet, shed distinguish it more as a mature woman with more body, and regardless if feeling the weight difference clearly she was absolutely satisfied with it.

At the entrance if the mine Heather first stopped to check the forest "What's wrong? Your heart is running away here?" Charka asked.

"Its rather dangerous out here at night" she said "All sorts of things out to eat me"

"Let them come, I'll burn them to nothing but charred remains, my name isn't Char-ka for nothing"

Heather placed a finger in her lips "Oh~ now it makes sense..."

"A little bit on the slow side aren't you?"

"But what about dragons! We can't burn them!?"

"They can't burn us either!"

"But they can eat us!"

"No they... Okay you have a point, go into the mines already and let's get cracking"

Heather entered but stopped realising its so dark she couldn't see her hand before her "Oh dear, I can't see... And I left my lantern at home!"

"Why!? You knew its dark this is where you work!?"

"I didn't want to shine a light for in case a night patrol was out"

Charka sighed "Lift your hand"

Heather responded and suddenly a ball of fire appeared hovering above her palm.

"Tada, light!" Charka said.

"Ooh, aren't you handy?" Heather said and giggled.

"I'm still not in top form Heather so make it quick, physically manifesting fire also drains me quickly, so hurry"

"Yes, of course" Heather said holding the fire forward and walking deeper.

She came to her spot and lifted the axe, but felt unsatisfied about her position.

"What's up? Should I give you strength?" Charka asked.

"Not yet, I feel this hole is a dead end" Heather said looking at the ball of fire floating next to her.

"You're mining diamonds right?"


"And you're basically inside a volcano?"

"I am..."

"Place your hand against the rock quickly"

Heather followed the order and waited, the heat coming from the rock now was subtle, there are spaces inside this place that had rock so hot it burned your skin.

She looked down and realised unlike before she wasn't even sweating now, Charka sure had her perks.

"Okay move to the right a bit" Charka said.

Heather moved but the fire ball came to the side if the rock "See there, start hitting the rock and keep going" Charka said.

"You sure?"

"Yes, I can feel the compound of the rock using the heat in it, and there is a large lump of dense mass deeper in"

"Okay then" Heather said spitting in her palms then grabbing the axe.

"Here we go, remember I gave you only partial strength this morning, so I could maintain it long, now though I'm going to make you as strong as your body will allow, and it will tap me dry in minutes" Charka said.

"Got it" Heather said but the sudden sensation in her body made her groan.

"Ooh–! This is..." She clenched her teeth has her breasts shrank a little but her chest pushed out, her arms swole bigger along with every muscle in her body.

Heather was standing silent looking at herself grow ever bigger into this dress, she lifted its skirt and saw her legs thicker now but with lean muscle, and with the strength in them felt as light as a feather.

"A... Amazing! I feel so good!" She peeped flexing her entire body but that made the dress rip in places.

"Its done, you better get swinging!" Charka said.

Heather lifted the axe and swung as fast as she could, the rock lost the fight instantly and shattered with every blow.

She carved up and down feeling her breath get short quickly.

"Keep going!" Charka said when Heather halted for a breather.

"All this strength but I get tired quick, what's up?" She asked.

"Cardio my dear, you suddenly gained the strength of an ox but your heart and lungs are still yours, its not my fault your unfit!"

"You know after a few years working in this mine I'd think I'm a bit more fit than this?"

"Keep going! I can feel my strength slipping!"

"Okay okay! Sheesh!" Heather said and swung away again.

"If you brought your lantern you could have given me fuel, but you're very smart aren't you?"

"Oh enough with the criticism!" Heather huffed but suddenly her axe produced a sheer 'ping!' And she dropped the axe shaking her hand.


"That's the diamond, get it out quickly"

"What!? It can't be!" She said picking the axe up and carved further, sure enough she unearthed a diamond the size of an orange and stood there gaping at it.

"Its... Its huge!" Heather said but moaned as her muscles shrank again.

She looked down and saw her body back to normal, only a small paunch of a belly remained.

"Oh... My boobies" she said disappointed.

"Stop sulking! I still need to get stronger, besides look at your bounty, ever see a diamond that size?"

"No, and its black in color"

"Black diamonds are more expensive right?" Charka asked.

"Should be, let's get out of here, tomorrow first thing I'm getting rich!" She said picking up her axe and heading out the mines.

She wove the fire ball out as she came to the entrance and scanned again, no movement, no noise.

Heather upped into a hop and quickly started marching home, she had this feeling that now she found her ultimate prize things won't go easy, its almost like bad luck was right around the corner.


So as I said this will be a little bit story driven, almost like a cultivation novel, and will bring in some spicy stuff.

I see readers read so if you have anything you'd like to happen to Heather in the future, or you want 'More' to happen to her 'More' often, leave a comment and tell me, this story is still unfolding after all.

Use your imagination hehe, nothing wrong with that and no one judges here.

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