It pukes molten rock?

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Though it was a rather large trade boat Heather managed to get it out the docks all by herself, the anchor could be spooled up with a winch and all she needed was to push it away from the dock using a row oar.

On the open water she had the sails spanned and tied them down, it was a bit of a struggle being as weak as she was, and her distended belly got in the way at some points, but it didn't bother Heather, she enjoyed the feel of it brushing against things due to its filled out position.

As the boat sailed in the direction of Vale she scanned the lower quarters, there she found a bag someone must have left there, probably in a hurry due to the dragon attack.

She opened it up, found a few rotten apples and a bag of coins, a lot, silver too "Oh lucky me!"

"Another score, well done!" Charka said.

Heather giggled and continued her search, in the gallows she found a barrel, thinking maybe its rum she opened it but there lied a full load of ink.

"What on earth did they need ink for?" She asked.

"Heck knows, but that gives me an idea" Charka said.


"Firstly, take off the fire cloak and eat it"

"Oh, the greedy demoness is back..."

"No, this cloak is now putting you at a disadvantage anyway"


"You see it works like... Oh my gosh you're going to have a ton of questions again so let me first explain and listen up!"

"Okay then..."

"When in your Open fire state, the cloak works similar to a Tesla system, your body heat fuels it, and in return it fuels your body with heat.

Now though because you don't have enough heat in you its only there to keep you warm... Which isn't needed and it drains me very slowly"

"Oh, okay I got that" Heather said.

"What!? Amazing!"

"Oh shut up, I'm not that dumb" Heather said and took off the cloak, it was similar to silk but very warm to the touch, she knew why, it was in essence made of fire energy.

She placed one tip in her mouth and breathed in, the cloak turned to fire again and she swallowed but this made her belly balloon twice its size and Heather moaned arching backwards.

"Congratulations, its a girl... A very evil one" Charka said but Heather was breathless, Charka took up some of her breathing space again and she panted in bursts until she got her breath back.

"Goodness this looks seven or eight months, I can't be seen in public like this!?"

"No, you can, see the ink before you? Bend over and dip your hair into it, then dry it out over the barrel, that will turn your hair black"

"It sounds like a messy story" Heather said.

"Just do it, I'll burn away any excess ink off your skin and you'll be nice and clean again"

"Fine, but what does this mean? What's the plan?"

"You basically passed that harbor town in a coach with Olivia, no one saw you, so now when you arrive you'll pretend to be Abigail or Hester or who ever, the eight months pregnant woman from far away... No one will have any clue"

Heather dried out the excess ink and shook her hands into the barrel, she stood spread legs feeling the heaviness of Charka draw in her mid, that actually had her struggling to breathe again.

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