A black splash of ash

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It was indeed an experience of a lifetime, one Heather thought she might not see quickly again, even so, the adventure continued and right after the two of them got dressed, with Olivia being kind enough to give her a one piece dress to wear, they were now almost at port St Vale.

It was a snug piece, black and cotton, yes it belonged to Olivia so it was not really Heather's size, but that didn't mean it could be 'made to fit' by drawing it over her body from shoulders to knees.

In the coach Heather couldn't help notice Olivia was staring at her the whole time, they spoke about a lot of things along the way, but those baby blue's kept glancing to Heather's body so curvly fitted in the dress, her skin made cream shines on certain protruding angles making it almost see through.

"Oh, here we are" Olivia said looking out the window.

Heather turned to look out and saw the ocean spread out before them, it was indeed a beautiful sight, but in her ear she heard Charka for the first time since her last orgasm.

"Oh... Oh dear that's a lot of water"

She couldn't believe what she just heard, Charka was the one who made her decide on the island in the first place, didn't it occur to her an island is actually surrounded by water?

She had to say it, she just had to and hushed it under voice hoping the noisy coach would drown her out to Olivia.

"Who's the idiot now?"

"Excuse me?" Olivia asked.

"I said, where's the island now?"

"Oh, its a ways west of this port, half a day's sail, the nice thing is its actually far enough so you can't see the mainland, its very private" Olivia explained.

"I see, then about our favour agreement?" Heather said with a seductive smile.

Olivia returned it licking her lips "Yes?"

"Are you able to gift me a ship that I may use to and from this island?"

"Of course! I'm not going to just abandon you there, also since I'm planning real estate there I've already stacked a lot of building material, you're set to go"

"Great, for now I'd just like the island to myself, I want some privacy"

"Of course, I have workers ready to go, all you need to do is come see me here in port Vale and I'll send them over to start building"

Heather nodded a smile, this went great, own island, own ship, material ready, all she needed to do now was scout out the place and plan to get started.

"You better not fall off the ship feather girl!" Charka hissed in her ear, but being in the coach with Olivia meant she couldn't say much back.

After they set off on sea it was as Olivia said, the trip took half a day and approaching the island Heather's mouth fell open, it wasn't just some happy go lucky little palm tree place, it was rather big, and had its on cone peaked mountain on.

"That's an old dormant volcano" Olivia said "Many years ago this island was formed by it"

"I see, very interesting" Heather replied and braced as the ship docked.

It was rather barren there though, the dock allowed for only two ships, where one medium sized transport boat was already moored.

"That one is yours" Olivia said pointing at it.

"Thanks, that's all I need"

On this port was but a single stone built structure with a wood roof, and there not far off one side was all the material as Olivia said.

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