It became an auction

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It didn't take Heather long to snap that sway, her hips curved seductively made it easier to feel the flow of the motion, all she needed to do was remember not to bring her back foot straight forward.

Coming over a crest the grasslands opened, to her right the mountain range still stretched endlessly and to the left lied a forest, but dead center was a town well established and much larger than Vilian.

Heather smiled and walked on, her confidence was spiked sky high and she knew by the way she traveled no one from Vilian came this way, its a fresh start, filled to the brim with possible opportunity.

As she entered the heads of men double taking her body made her blush, sure back with her blacksmith incident she smacked the shit out of a guy she spotted disrespectfully looking, but here no one knew her, and she wanted attention.

"Now test it a little" Charka whispered.

"I just ask right? They seem to be so tranced by me I can basically ask them to undress" Heather said feeling sly.

"Yes, remember to use your hips, push them out when you talk and don't act all bubbly, talk in a deep husky seductive voice and melt them with your vocal cords"

Heather nodded and found the first man standing with a gaping mouth "Hi there kind gentleman?"

"Oh, I yah! Hi!" He said and struggled his ass off not to look at the breach in her shirt.

"I'm looking for a pace where I can trade, is there such an establishment?" She asked pushing her hip with a hand so her body slanted to a smouldering 'S'

"My goodness we'll done" Charka said but the man heard it and blinked looking around.


"What's wrong?" Heather asked brushing her neck seductively "I've had a long trip here and I'm famished, maybe you can guide me to the nearest inn as well?"

His eyes followed the stroke of the fingers up her thin neck then blinked when she dropped it and purposefully made it glance her breast.

He was gobbling his own words when that bounce made her dress tare just slightly more and she peeped crossing her fingers over it to press them still again "Oh my! Sometimes the ladies don't know when to behave"

He completely forgot about the second voice he heard and swallowed pointing "Mam the market is thataway, and you'll find the Inn close by, just look for the sign hanging above the door"

She smiled warmly and bowed quickly only bending her legs "Thanks my dear gentleman, you are too kind"

"N, not a problem Miss" he said smiling, his face so red it might cause his nose to bleed any second.

She turned and happily walked on, the way she had him twirled around her finger was satisfying "I could get used to this" she whispered.

"You seem to have placed your words in order well, I didn't even help you" Charka whispered back.

Heather shrugged "Back in school every girl had to learn the noble way to talk, for in case one day the Prince might come and take his princess..." She said and sighed.

"Oh? What happened? You ended up in a mine instead of a castle?"

Heather snorted "The prick walked right past me, like I didn't even exist"


"I think..." She said glancing her hands over her hips "Maybe it was because I was a real tomboy, I didn't have this body then, and Gerald was a prince who seeked the toosh too much, the prev"

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