Burn them all!

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"You can walk a little quicker you know?" Charka said and Heather bounced in place.

"Ssh! Do you want to give me a heart attack!?" She hissed back.

"Trust me that's the last thing you have to worry about, this sneaking is boring me to death"

"Just ssh!" Heather said and listened again.

Visible within the tiny flame on Heather's finger is a path wide enough for three people to walk side by side, but the trees were so densely grown to each other one couldn't really stray from it.

Sure one could try but that meant squeezing through them, but that's not within Heather's capabilities at the moment thanks her still sporting her curved assets thanks to Charka.

The smell that hung in the air was a mix of rotten foliage, wet mud, and a hint of rotting flesh, Heather struggled not to gag every now and then.

Then there was no noise at all, only the hiss coming from each footstep she gave, steam emitted from it every time and that's why she was creeping.

"Come on Heather speed it up! If you continue like this I'll be drained dry before we reach the dark elves" Charka said and the flame on Heather's finger flickered.

"Why is the ground hissing when I walk? Doesn't that freak you out a little?"

"That's your fault, and it's a good thing! The heat from your body is drying out the mud, meaning should there have been a possibility to fall through, you're preventing it"

"By drying out a foot sized worth of mud?"

"Just let it give you some hope and hurry"

Heather scanned around herself, holding her finger out to get a possible look through the trees, but that's impossible, just beyond the first line of trees another line was, and the distance she could see was mere meters.

"What's that humming noise? Do you hear it?" She asked.

"That my dear human is the sound of silence, complete and utter silence"

"How can silence have a sound?"

"Its actually your eardrums vibrating due to the lack of sound, that's the hum you're hearing"

Heather gasped when an owl suddenly let out a 'hoo' close by but she swallowed hard.

"Relax, it's just an owl"

"I know that!"

Then suddenly a shriek came with fluttering noises, and the silence soon followed again.

"Okay... and that?" Heather asked.

"That was the sound of an owl getting killed I'm afraid"

"What would kill an owl!? How cruel!"

"Say that to the poor field mouse right?"

"Oh what ever!" Heather said and started walking, her heart sat in her throat and she dared pace quicker, feeling she needed to get out of that vicinity she heard the owl meet its end.

Then suddenly a small shadow blasted past her so quick the flame on her finger got blown out.

"What the fuck was that!?"

"Something small that doesn't like light" Charka said and ignited the flame again, but that opened Heather for another peep of surprise.

Now not far ahead of her was a small human like being hanging by rapidly batting wings, the male creature had big yellow eyes, dark grey skin and a sweet smile on his face.

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