Till our hearts find rhythm

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Heather slammed the table making the mirror bounce and fall "No! I will not... Not slug a donkey in his balls! Kick a dog or set a pigeon on fire! I'm not cruel!"

"The table doesn't count, that's an inanimate object so it felt nothing, use that same technique and slap an old man hard on his bald head! Make sure it leaves a nice purple hand print that's how hard you must slap!"

"Back off Charka! I won't do it!"

"I'm not stopping twinkletits, you–re going to commit an act of violence on something that's alive, see it as your first task!"


"Cow-girl, the one without the hat because you like bloating so much!"

"You...! You f... You damn... P– Parasite!"

"That won't work anymore, I'm bored of that insult, try something else"

Heather was fuming now "You... Blob!"


"Body snatching! Slimy blob!"

"Nah, didn't quite feel that one, not strong enough you plump sow, try something else"

"Plump sow–!? Oh–!" Heather yelled clenching her fists "Just... Just back off!" She screamed and grabbed her bag.

"Giving up?"

"Not talking to you anymore"

"Squee- squee- piggy"

"Shut up!" She screamed just as she entered the front room and the innkeeper flinched to her with wide eyes.

"Hey man whore" Charka said nice and loud so the keeper could hear her.

"Excuse me!?" He bellowed.

"Shut up!" Heather yelled to Charka but the keeper was none the wiser.

"How dare you speak to me like that woman!?"

Heather snapped "Suck a cock! You... You fucking..."

"Ball slurping cum gobbler! Go with that!" Charka whispered.

"Balls sucking piswilly swine!"

"Oh nice!"

The innkeeper sat back defeated and Heather left the building, fists clenched she marched down the road.

"You did that one all by yourself, I'm proud of you"

"Shut up Charka, I don't want to talk to you"

"You have to, I am you and you are me"

Heather ignored her.

"I can make you very noticed you know, its simple, I just pump your breasts up"

"Drown in vomit!"

"There! There's an old man sitting at a table, go slap his bald head!"

"Fuck off Charka!"

"Nope..." She said and suddenly much of the divided weight of Charka shifted and Heather's breasts ballooned into her shirt making her stumble grabbing them, luckily the shirt held on.

There was a couple of men standing in side who saw this and stood slurping at the sudden greatness she achieved.

"What the fuck are you looking at!?" She hissed and walked on but gave one breasts a slap "Get off Charka!"

"Okay..." She said and with a quick shift Heather's belly swole bulging into her shirt and she stumbled again groaning at the sudden loss of lung space.

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