Play it sexy

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The sand was originally in a heap as it filled her palms, now though it was a tiny mountain of glass.

Heather took it in her fingers and brought it to her eye, looked through and smiled "The world looks different through here"

"Obviously" Charka said.

"So what do you plan to do? Can we make something with this glass?"

"Yes, Cinderella had glass slippers, can you imagine how some wives of the rich would want a set of glass slippers?"

"I don't know who Cinderella is..." Heather said.

"It doesn't matter, all I say is it would sell like candy, but I strongly advise not to wear them though"


"If glass breaks it splinters to tiny knife like shards and will cut you, I'm telling you, wearing that when it breaks will be bloody... On second thought let's do it"

Heather giggled "I'm starting to enjoy that sinister side of yours, so lets part from the glass slippers and think of more... Rational things to make with glass? Can we make swords?"

"Yes, but what's rational about a glass sword? Glass is nowhere near as strong as steel?"

"I know... Or I figured, but for display ornaments, I bet you a King knighting a man with a beautiful glass sword would have that much more meaning right?"

Charka snickered "My-my, you're not as daft as you make yourself out to be, that's a brilliant idea"

"Right then, what do we need?"

"Lots and lots of sand, we'll need a forge, some blueprints, molds and lasting burnable material... Like coal for instance"

Heather scoffed "Rub it in please"

"No I'm not teasing, coal is the way to go for a forge, I guess in the meanwhile we can make charcoal, but then rather not use such a thin stick, you have to burn away a stump instead"

"Okay..." Heather started walking on and held that piece of smooth glass to her lips "Charcoal first... Or..."

"You need a forge first, so go find a place to sell the rock" Charka said.

"What rock?"

"The diamond! Say what the Hell did you want coal for anyways? Before I said we need a forge?"

"Well that's why I wanted to burn a stick, coal pencils for schools!" She said cheerfully.

"Oh my goodness the moosh, I feel like taking an ice bucket challenge"

"An ice bucket challenge?"

"Yeah, ever see what happens to Charmander when he did the ice bucket challenge?"

"Who's Charmander?"

"Never mind, he's dead, just think of that"

Heather scoffed "Oh come on Charka schools are in constant need of new stationary, its an actual money making business"

"Why? Do the little creatures eat the coal pencils?"

"Uh... Well... Some of them do"

Charka laughed "Okay let's do the pencil thing, I wanna see a kid eat that shit!"

"Don't be so cruel! Forget about the pencils and let's focus on getting a forge, so... I sell the diamond, then buy a forge, after that I'll start off by using wood, the wood I'll make into charcoal..."

"Slow down..." Charka cut her off.

"What?" She said stopping and looking around.

"I just realised, what if that diamond is too expensive?"

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