Too much power

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"What have you done to me?" Heather asked walking to door and shutting it, then headed slowly to the furnace tranced by the fire.

"I made you slightly smarter, and gave you confidence, it all worked out in the end right?"

Heather felt the heat touch her face and she stopped holding her hands to the flames.

"Why can't I suddenly restrain myself from this?"

"Like making a deal with the devil dear human, everything about me has a price"

Heather blew out slowly then leaned in to take a deep breath, the flames swirled up and flooded into her mouth.

Heat filled her instantly from neck to tummy and the sensation was overwhelming, overwhelmingly good.

She closed her eyes unable to moan as the slow breathe in hosed down the fire into her belly which first warmed and gave her energy, then she felt the tightness as it grew.

Bigger and warmer much quicker than the candle tickle she had yesterday, and for some reason Heather was turned on by that sensation of heat in her mid.

She closed her mouth and swallowed, her belly now swollen groaned as it pushed against her cotton dress and she sighed rubbing over it.

"Now you're getting there" Charka said.

Heather's eyes lit up orange and her smile widened, looking back at the fire she opened her mouth again, as if using a spoon to scoop at the fire her hand wove, the flames clung to her lifting hand and she brought it to her mouth.

Timing it right she took her breath and like a whirlpool the fire spun and flooded into her again.

The churns sounded as her five months looking belly swole yet again, out into her dress, clasping it softly she felt it rounded against its strain but she enjoyed every second of it, brushing her hands on its ever expanding contours she leaned back to give it space, the fire arching like a snake still filling her up like a hose through her mouth.

She closed her lips and swallowed, moaned as the weight now for some reason had her horny to the rafters.

"You're enjoying this a lot aren't you?" Charka asked.

Pushing her hands into her back she held her nine month belly high and cooed at its pulsing glow, the warmth, the strain it placed on her dress.

"How big can I get? I don't feel at all satisfied" She asked leaning forward and placing her hands under her belly to support it.

"Much bigger than this, but are you sure you want to?"

"I can't help it! I need more!" Heather said reaching forward and clasping the side of the furnace, the hot bricks didn't even bother her now.

She first took a sigh feeling gravity tuck on her enormous belly, then without self restraint opened her mount and sucked in the fire again, to her utter pleasure she felt it flow into her and inflate her stomach to greater proportions.

The dress started losing the battle and tore bit by bit in places, until Heather's ever expanding belly freed itself out of it.

She swallowed the last stream of fire and stood upright, her belly now past full term with three, maybe four if she was really pregnant, the pressure and pleasure was too much and she had to flow over an orgasm.

"Oh~!" She said and gasped clenching her legs "Fuck I've never felt this horny before~"

"You want me to help you with that?"

Heather smiled "My flower already bloomed"

"Once yes..."

She gasped feeling Charka do the same as yesterday, from within her the spurs of ecstasy suddenly massaged at her loins and she bit her lip holding her breath.

Legs clenched, knees together she stood holding herself up, so large she could barely lift straight, even if she could the paralyzing foreplay given to her was dragging her to the ground.

Her belly rested first and she slid back to settle in behind it, still Charka watered her flower to a point where she felt like she'd explode in orgasm, leaning onto her massive girth she moved her pelvis into the motions of sex to help spur the moment better.

But then Charka suddenly stopped.

"Wh... What!? Why!?"

"You have company I'm afraid"

She gasped looking over her shoulder, it was the blacksmith! He's returning!

"Remember I asked you if you were sure of this?" Charka asked.

"You bitch! You could have been more clear about it!"

"Its not my fault you were like a moth to the flames!" Charka said and giggled.

"Shove the pun's up your ass and do something!"

"How far are you willing to go Heather? Are you so afraid of them labeling you a witch that you'd do anything to stay alive?"

"Of course! I'm not a witch! You know that!"

"Yes, but I'm a demon, what will they think of that?"

"Oh~" she groaned still feeling that orgasm only seconds away "I don't want to die"

"Then I will protect you" Charka said.



The blacksmith opened his door but flinched seeing this massively engorged woman in his floor "What the hell!?"

"Ssh..." Heather said but it was not her anymore.

With flaming orange eyes she wove a hand and the Blacksmith's clothes got set alight.

He screamed running out leaving Charka to act on her own accord, shifting the weight of the essence to fill Heather up in all sorts of places, her hips swole wide and her breasts grew larger, Heather's very height had to be affected by this transformation, there was just too much power to divide.

She grew taller and bigger, every assent receiving its fair share of growth until her poor cotton dress surrendered with an audible 'shrrip'

Heather went into her hands and knees filling the room now, but just as her back almost touched the roof she felt the sensation ease out and settle.

"I'm... I'm huge!"

"And you're downright gorgeous"

"How is this supposed to help me!? I'm a giant!"

"And you have tonnes of power, now use it to defend yourself!"

Three guards came storming into the room but they slid to a halt bellowing up to her.

"Its a witch!" One yelled.

"I am not a witch!" She yelled but without her consent fire spewed out her mouth and consumed the one who wailed running out.

"On guard! You will not escape here!" One yelled holding a spear ready and stabbed her arm, but Heather was filled with Charka's essence and stabbing her caused a rupture, the flaming hot power within her shot out and setting the knight in fire like being doused in oil.

He also screamed leaving the room, one Knight remained but he swallowed, she saw him glance down at her full and humongous breasts but blinked up to her eyes again.

Dead embarrassed she swung an arm and struck him, like a doll he flew out of the door "You bloody pervert!"

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