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Heather struck and struck at the rock as hard as she could, the movement in her belly eased out and she actually enjoyed it a little, but the problem she had was the same as always.

She just didn't have enough strength, and soon she heard one of the miners cheer after finding a diamond.

The men applauded him as always for his success then continued working, Heather was a little angry, she wanted a diamond too!

Lifting the axe she hammered hard but the result was the same, the axe gave more way than the rock did.

Then suddenly she felt her stomach turn making her halt with the axe high, she stood there feeling the clear and abrupt movement and heard the churns as something stirred in her tummy.

She glanced back seeing no one pay her any attention then looked down, only to find her belly was completely flat.

She patted it... "Where did you go little slime?" She asked softly.

As if on que she felt a sensation flood her body and she struggled not to groan too loudly, her pectoral muscles bulged pushing her small breasts into her shirt so far it parted the fabric between her buttons.

Then her arms thickened as well and she felt the strength fill them stretching her shirt.

Heather stood flabbergasted, she was bulked out in her upper body, so much so that she felt how heavy it got through her legs, she looked at her arms now like logs in her shirt then flexed them before her, it slightly tore her long sleeves and she gasped softly.

She glanced again to the men who were too busy trying for diamonds, then picked up her axe now to her weighing almost nothing, it needed to be tested after all.

She swung and the clang echoed past her, rock spattered over her making her flinch, she gasped, that was a way better result!

Looking sheepishly over her shoulders she was still oblivious to the men, then let rip slamming that axe repeatedly, shards of rock spewed over her but she stopped to ensure she was still not paid any attention.

Sure enough the men were still too focused on finding the next stone.

She smiled evilly to herself and flexed her arms, if this was the slime's doing Heather figured she just struck the jackpot.

Money, she could almost taste it! She wanted so much money she can buy a castle, and this weird thing that happened to her will be her key to success.

She slowed her pace and continued digging, she could after all not leave the mines just yet, sure it was a lucky, weird, thing that happened to her, but she will be labeled a witch if the men see her this bulked up.

The day passed by and Heather struck no luck, she already dug a cavern for herself but no diamonds popped out, it was frustrating, and worst of all she felt tired.

Taking a break she lowered the axe, looked to her arms and realized they were not as big anymore, even her pectoral muscles sagged closing the gaps in her buttons.

She panted feeling a little disappointed, all that extra boost and nothing, she must have dug outside the vein after all.

The men of course struck luck all day, more than half of them found a diamond already, she groaned sitting down, shit luck indeed.

"Hey Heather! Were leaving now, don't stay too long" Max called.

"Yeah, I'll just dig a little bit more then I'll head home" she said over her shoulder.

Max chuckled "Better luck tomorrow kay girl?"

"Yeah, whatever" she said and he left.

Alone again just like this morning, but now so her arms and chest suddenly shrunk and her belly bloated again making her groan at the sudden feel of fullness.

"Hey little slime thanks for the help but I struck no diamonds!" She said poking her round belly.

She felt it awkward to talk to it but couldn't help seeing it was a lot smaller, more a paunch than a bloat, and it didn't glow anymore, maybe it was also tired.

She realized she didn't even take in water today and the thirst overwhelmed her, even food was left behind, Heather was starving.

She decided better luck tomorrow then and headed out the mine.

Reaching fresh air she felt dizzy slightly, the lack of food and water got to her suddenly, she was so focused on that next diamond she didn't even realise she needed something to drink.

Coming into her house she grabbed a cup and filled it with water as quick as she could, but drinking it brought another surprise.

The water she felt went down her throat then a sudden hiss in her crop made her bring the water back up alongside steam awkwardly.

"What the?" She asked wiping her mouth.

Thirst made her drink again but the 'hiss' yielded the same result and she coughed.

Heather panicked, this slime forced out all the water! It didn't allow her to drink! She ran to her food storage and grabbed a keg of wine, trying that made the hiss again, now Heather was in a flat spin.

"I need to drink! Let me drink!" She yelled slapping her belly but it only groaned.

She looked around but realized she couldn't see very well, it was already dark outside.

She quickly started lighting candles in her house then lit the lantern after she oiled it again.

Walking around her storeroom she desperately licked her lips to get the dryness off, but even trying grape juice made her bring it up, it was as if this ooze in her stomach pushed everything out, filling her stomach so she couldn't drink.

Maybe eat... She picked up a loaf of bread and despite its dryness bit and chew, but she couldn't even swallow, something in her forced her tract to prevent her from consuming it.

She dazed and stumbled, there was just nothing left to do, she felt like this might be the end of her, gained this special ability from some weird slime, then just ended up being killed by it.

She collapsed on the floor and turned to her back, looking at the soft orange flickering light of the candles burning, then finally fainted.

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